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Top 10 Web Development Trends & Technologies in 2022

Ava Rogers
Top 10 Web Development Trends & Technologies in 2022

The creative field of web development will never be the same. Trends keep changing, and the professionals working in it have to mold themselves accordingly.

Whether you are a web development near me service company or an enterprise with a live website, you have to stay updated with the latest trends. 

In 2021, we have seen new possibilities. Artificial intelligence and virtual reality have introduced interesting concepts. And a lot has changed in the web development and branding landscape.

Are you ready to learn about the top web development trends and technologies in 2021?

Let’s not make you wait further. Here we go!

Voice UI

In mobile phones, voice search has already taken over traditional technology. Now it's the web's turn. 2021 is going to be the year of Voice User Interface.

Due to the rise of smart speakers and voice recognition technology in different devices, like Amazon Alexa, people prefer voice commands over text.

The same is going to be a trend in web technology. Humans would ask questions and get instant answers. 

Similarly, they will give a certain command and the website will perform that action -- in case it’s a research site, e-commerce store, calculation site, etc.

A single command will show you the result of a calculation or add a specific product to the cart.

It is estimated that the global smart speaker market can grow at a CAGR of around 23% year-over-year till 2025. These stats imply that there will be more voice UI-powered websites in the future.

Dark Mode & Low Light UX

Another notable trend of 2021 is dark mode and low light user experience. And this trend is likely to continue for upcoming years.

Dark mode looks great when users are browsing a website in daylight. They get a clear picture of all the pages, sections, and menu options available.

Plus, for some reason, dark mode feels pleasing to the eyes.

You must have noticed the option to switch modes in some websites; based on the environment, users can easily modes and avoid eye strain.

This feature is still a new idea and not prevalent.

 If you are building a modern website or revamping an existing one, consider embedding two different modes for a better user experience.

Progressive Web Apps (PWA)

Though PWA is not a new technology, it has been around for a few years now, but it has gained modern developers and investor’s attention only recently.

Progressive web apps offer a high-quality user experience, not as good but close to native app ones.

It’s not a surprising stat that more than 50% of the online shopping orders through the website are made with mobile devices. People have little time to shop via a PC or laptop, they order stuff on the go!

With PWA, users don’t have to download a special app or computer program to view their favorite websites on mobile web browsers or desktops.

And besides an enhanced user experience, PWA can send push notifications, this way users can access cached content offline.

Single Page Application (SPA)

All the recent developments in the web development field revolve around a great user experience. Single page application (SPA) is one of the latest trends that helps in better page performance and ensures data protection.

SPA has become quite popular due to the rise of JavaScript frameworks. While working with them, you intercept particular browser events and request JSON which is similar to working with a web application.

Social networking platforms like Facebook and Google pages like Gmail, Google Drive are of that kind.

There are increased chances of holding user’s attention with the SPA approach, as they are fast operating. This is why developers, too, prefer this approach in web development.

Motion UI

Visuals on your website can keep the user hooked. Users are much more attracted to animation, images, and videos than just plain text.

In this regard, we are going to see motion UIs in 2021. Motion UI isn’t a new concept, it has been around for some time. But it has gotten more attention in recent years.

This trend makes digital products usage clearer and intuitive than before. People enjoy visiting such sites that have a pleasing interface.

Moreover, with custom animation integration and CSS transitions powered by stand-alone libraries, developers don’t have to develop these from scratch.

Automation Testing

Testing is something web developers dread. However, in 2021, we have emerging technologies that have made testing easier and cheaper with accurate results.

Previously, manual testing techniques have been used to detect bugs and conflicts during the development phase, and once the product is ready.

Fortunately, with the rise of Machine learning and AI, we have tools available to automate the testing process and let the tools do the job for us.

Test automation has many benefits. The most important ones are reduced development costs and little rollout time.

In other words, automatic testing will result in better-end products for less money.

In 2021, when the competition has been fiercer than ever before when agencies are working at a tremendous pace to meet targets, testing automation is helping them to get more done in less time!

Ava Rogers
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