The topic of wills can seem overwhelming and terrifying, but the reality is that it’s important to think about your family’s future and have a will in place to protect them. If you’re unsure where to start with the whole process, it’s often best to hire a lawyer who specializes in wills. Learn about the many benefits of hiring a Will Lawyers Melbourne below!
Where do I find a will lawyer?
There are many websites available to help you search for an attorney. In some cases, your local bar association may also have resources that can help you find an attorney in your area. Once you’ve narrowed down your search and found a lawyer who specializes in estate planning, set up an appointment to meet with them in person.
You can learn more about what to look for in a will lawyer here. At your initial meeting, make sure to ask them about their fee structure and inquire whether they offer any payment plans or discounts for new clients. While it’s generally good practice to compare rates between multiple attorneys before making a decision, understand that all Will Lawyers Melbourne are not created equal.
Does my family need a will?
Just like you should have an estate plan, so should your family. A will allows you to plan for your death and make sure that your assets are distributed according to your wishes. It also protects your loved ones from taxes, legal struggles and family conflict that might arise if these decisions were left up to a judge. If any of these things sound scary, it’s time to get protected with a will. Your loved ones will thank you for it!
Is it better to make my own will or get an attorney to draft one for me?
There are many benefits to having an attorney draft your will. For one, you have an expert in estate planning and law who can help you write a legally binding will. In addition, your will is more likely to withstand scrutiny from family members and attorneys—meaning it won’t be contested when you pass away. And, even if your family or friends contest it anyway, your attorney can help defend it in court. You can make your own, but if you don’t follow very strict guidelines and rules, then problems can arise down the road, which could create situations where people aren’t left with what they deserve or possibly not at all!
Am I too young to be making out my will?
Generally, you can draft your will at any age. However, if you’re younger than 18 years old, your parents may not legally be allowed to be your personal representative; thus, they may not be able to distribute any assets you leave in your will as they see fit. Instead, they’ll have to petition a court for permission, and it’s possible that other beneficiaries or family members could try to contest your wishes. These are only some of many factors you’ll want to consider when deciding whether or not it’s appropriate for you and/or your heirs to finalize a will prior to turning 18 years old.
After making out my will, what should I do with it?
Once you’ve made out your will, you’ll need to decide where to keep it as per Will Lawyers Melbourne. It may be beneficial to keep an original copy in a fireproof safe or safety deposit box at your bank and then have other copies in a more accessible location like a home filing cabinet. As well, remember that if there are any changes that need to be made, these can easily be done on computer software or via an attorney who will draft up new versions for you. Just make sure that all copies are kept together and easily accessible by those who would need them after your death.
Source: The Many Benefits of Hiring a Will Lawyer