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3 Mistakes to Avoid when Selecting Business Signage!

Expeditorg Group Inc
3 Mistakes to Avoid when Selecting Business Signage!

Finding the best sign permits Chicago to grab attention and guide customers takes time and careful thought. Businesses want a distinctive look and feel that sets them apart from the competition, but they also want a sign of what they do and who they are as a brand.

Business Character Mistakes to Avoid

Most entrepreneurs have probably heard of tips on making a special sign permit in Chicago, but what they may not know are some mistakes to avoid. Mistakes are expensive and can result in rebranding at the company's expense.

Mistake #1: Bad colors

Choosing the wrong color can make the landmark preservation commission signage unclear from a distance, making it challenging to find the company. Don't get so attached to the brand colors that you don't stray from them, even if the contrast isn't enough or the shades are mixed in a solid blur. Consider how the sign permits Chicago to look from a distance and whether its color contrasts with other buildings and signs in the area.

Mistake #2: Not accepting your industry

Some brands decide they want to be trendy, so they opt for something sharp and modern. However, if the sign permit Chicago doesn't explain what they do, they risk losing out on fame. The brand is probably good with whatever design its name suggests if the company name is clear, like an R-Us exhaust. However, many companies have less distinctive words that don't say what they do, like Smith Brothers or other familiar names. Do not forget to indicate the niche on the sign. Don't let people guess what the company is about. Real estate companies should use a home outline. What happens when someone runs a business that does something less obvious, like make different kinds of products? In this case, add a description to the sign itself in the form of a slogan, e.g. "Manufacturing your ideas".

Mistake #3: Confusing people

Some logos are pretty confusing, and they become even more confusing when placed on a sign. If the sign permits Chicago is unclear, people will not know where to put the brand in their brain category. There are many examples of unclear signs when looking at traffic signs. Use a model, not design a sign, and make sure the design is clear and accurate. One should never wonder what a brand is or what it does.

How to choose the right Signage?

Most brands probably have a few ideas that scream what kind of company the brand is and what personality it has. Maybe the customer is younger and wants bright, bold colors. Perhaps the manufacturing facility makes something for the homeowner that they wish the traditional outline on their sign permits Chicago. Whatever management's initial thoughts on character, there are a few ground rules to keep in mind.

  • Consider the Elements: Will the sign permit Chicago be outside? If so, consider the natural elements of the building location. For example, if the equipment is in an area with extreme temperatures, the plates may wear out more quickly. Think about how you can do it for as long as possible. Talk to signage company Chicago about the best materials to last.
  • Go Big: The Landmark Preservation commission commissioned a survey in Chicago and found that more minor signs had a 75% decrease in responses. Go with the most prominent brand and within your budget when in doubt. The last thing a business wants is any sign of them taking a backseat. A large sign will attract attention, even if someone passes by in a vehicle. 
  • Check Spacing: Estimate the space available for the sign permit in Chicago and use it accordingly. Few things look worse than a sign with the letters mixed up and become unclear. If you ignore the distance, the sign permit Chicago can look strange to passersby. For example, the letter W may need more space between it and the vowel.
  • Choose the right sign maker: Ideally, brands should work with local companies with a lot of experience creating signs for such businesses. An experienced signage company in Chicago can give you advice within your budget to make the best possible sign. Plus, they know how to put up signs, so they don't fall out or fall apart over time. Signs can be a significant investment, so brands want to last as long as possible without needing expensive repairs. Interview the sign maker candidates and select the one with the most knowledge and similar work experience.
  • Ask for feedback: Don't just trust a group of eyes or two on a project that will reflect the brand for years to come. Instead, ask for feedback from customers, signers, employees, and others in the community. The more people see potential bugs and provide suggestions, the more likely the company needs alerts.


Expeditorg Group Inc. understands the importance of well-designed business signs permits Chicago as an industry leader in creating unique signs. We take the time to get to know your company so we can create the most suitable concept for you. Make your vision come true with us today!

Expeditorg Group Inc
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