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Farmtrac 45 Tractor Model With Specifications & Price

Vijay Sharma
Farmtrac 45 Tractor Model With Specifications & Price

Farmtrac 45 tractor is one of the versatile tractors which is best for agricultural works. This tractor is designed with cutting-edge technology and is well-known among farmers for its excellent mileage and fuel efficiency. Furthermore, the tractor's engine is durable, allowing farmers to efficiently complete all heavy farming operations without interruption.

The Farmtrac 45 tractor is the perfect combination of power and mileage that’s why the farmers have fully believed and  can easily buy it. Moreover, due to its reliability and easy reach to the customers this tractor has a valuable place among all the farmers.This tractor can easily handle hard farming equipment like harvester, cultivator, planter and many more.

Highlighted points of the Farmtrac 45 Tractor Model

  • This tractor is very powerful and comes with a 3 cylinder engine that provides 45 HP engine power which is best for many works. 

  • The engine of this tractor can easily generate a great 2000 engine rated RPM.

  • The fuel tank of this model is 60 Litres that delivers long working hours in the farm field. 

  • The 2WD wheel drive with 13.6 x 28 rear and 6.00 x 16 front tyres produce an easy and effective ride in the field. 

  • The Farmtrac 45 tractor has 8 Forward + 2 Reverse gears and Multi Plate Oil Immersed Disc Brake, so the tractor delivers excellent grip on the field.


  • It has a single/dual clutch that provides excellent grip and fast response in the working field. 

  • The Farmtrac 45 price range is between Rs. 6.35 Lakh - 6.75 lakh*.

For more details on Farmtrac 45 Tractor and other models of Farmtrac tractors like farmtrac 6055, farmtrac 60 powermaxx Tractor. please stay tuned with us.

Vijay Sharma
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