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Farmtrac Tractor

Farmtrac Tractor

The tractors of FarmRAC are available in the series called Nets, which means the new series of tractors, the second series of tractors are the Heritage series, and the series of tractors of the third series are the FarmRAC series. Another series of tractors of fully organized tractors are PowerMaxx, Ultramaxx, and champion.

Nets SERIES OF TRACTORS It is done with a reason to achieve a performance of the energy package with an HP range of 22 HP-30 HP. Farmtrac 6055 price The series of heritage tractors are 4-wheeled tower drive tractors with an HP range of 60 HP to 90 HP. The next series is the FarmRAC series that is designed for the purposes of agriculture and industrial needs. This series of tractors are available in an HP range of 47HP to 120 HP.

The most popular Farmtrac models are FarmRac 60, FarmRac 45, FarmRac 6050, and FarmRac 6055. The price of FarmRac 60 is RS. 7 Lakhs and RS. 8 lakhs. FarmRoC 45 has an RS price. 5.5 Lakhs to Rs 6.5 Lakhs.

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