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Meet VIVI’s Charity Partners

VIVI Naturals
Meet VIVI’s Charity Partners

VIVI Naturals was born from a vision. Our founder wanted to create a beauty brand that went beyond and united wellness with wanderlust. This unification also had to give back, creating VIVI Natural’s mission: to illuminate one’s natural beauty and bravery from the inside out.

There are four pillars that lay the foundation of VIVI’s mission. VIVI is:

1.      Committed to empowering women

2.      Giving back by investing in community

3.      Globally conscious and holistic wellness

4.      Ethically sourced and sustainable for life

In order to meet these standards and fuel that mission, VIVI works with charity organizations who are dedicated to amazing causes. A portion from every product purchase is donated directly to these organizations. That way, their experts can allocate where the donated money can have the most positive impact.

Meet two of our charity partners, Feeding America and World Vision.

Feeding America

As you can tell from their name, Feeding America's mission is clear: to end hunger in America. The Feeding America network is the nation’s largest domestic hunger-relief organization. They work with individuals, charities, businesses, and the government to feed millions of Americans each year. In fact, they have fed 1 in 7 Americans through school-based programs, emergency disaster relief funds, and local food banks.

World Vision

Since 1950, World Vision has been making a global impact. This humanitarian organization helps children, families, and communities overcome poverty and more. World Vision targets the root of problems to solve poverty within a community, rather than offering temporary relief. The organization is also respected for their transparency and thrifty nature. “Keeping our costs down means your gifts make the biggest waves possible,” the World Vision site says. Money donated to World Vision goes to their various programs, from sponsoring a child to empowering oppressed communities. Today, they are helping 3.5 million children from nearly 100 countries.

Our Fight Against COVID-19

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, Feeding America estimates 50 million people may face hunger in the U.S. this year alone. That includes more than 17 million children. From March to June 2020, 4 in 10 people who visited food banks did so for the first time. Feeding America’s COVID-19 stats are alarming. Clearly, Feeding America needs more help than ever from volunteers to donations to contributors, like VIVI Naturals.

World Vision is also dealing with harsh effects from the pandemic. They have been working through their global programs to help keep children safe from infection. “Within 18 months, our coronavirus response aims to provide support to at least 72 million people, half of them children,” a World Vision article stated. Read more


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