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10 Most Common Problems With Laundry Washing Machines

10 Most Common Problems With Laundry Washing Machines

While most people think of washers and dryers as being basic appliances, there are a lot of complex parts and processes that go into these machines. Many issues are the result of poor maintenance, while others stem from basic use. Either way, getting your laundry machine back up and running is usually an easy fix.

1. Noisy During Washing

If your washing machine is making loud banging or rattling noises during the spin cycle, it may be because items are caught between the tub and outer tub or caught in the agitator. To check for items inside the tub, remove both hoses from their respective locations at the back of your washing machine, then lift off both lids (called “top caps”) by hand to expose all internal parts. Next, carefully pull out each component one at a time while looking for objects that could have fallen into your machines during cleaning / maintenance activities. If you find nothing unusual after removing every part individually, take them all back out again and put them back together in reverse order so that you can perform another spin cycle in order to double-check whether something is caught up somewhere within this area before moving on down this list towards more complicated problems with noisy washers!

2. Noisy on Spin Cycle

The most common reason for a noisy spin cycle is a worn bearing. The tub bearing sits in the center of the bottom of the washer, and it helps support the tub as it spins. A worn tub bearing will make noise as it supports its weight against friction from drum and gear assembly.

If you take apart your transmission, you will see one or two small bearings (depending on if your washer is top-load or front-load) that ride along shafts within the transmission housing. These bearings are also responsible for reducing friction between moving parts and increasing overall efficiency of operation by minimizing heat build up in spinning components. If they become worn out too soon, they can cause problems with other parts such as broken axles or cogs inside them, which causes vibrations.

3. Not Agitating While Filling

Once you've determined that your washer has a problem agitating while filling, it's time to troubleshoot.

·        Check the drive belt. The drive belt is responsible for driving your wash tub and agitator, so if it's loose or broken, those things won't work correctly. You can replace this part yourself at home with some basic tools and preventative maintenance knowledge; however, make sure you consult your owner's manual before doing so, as some models have different parts than others.

·        Check the washing machine lid switch. This switch is what tells the motor whether or not it should run once water reaches a certain level in the machine—if this switch isn't working properly (or if there's something wrong with it), then you could be dealing with an "unbalanced load" error message when attempting to fill up your washer before starting a cycle!

4. Not Draining Properly

One of the most common laundry washing machine issues is that it doesn't drain properly. This can be caused by a number of things, including kinks in the drain hose, blockages in your pump and impeller, or loose or broken mountings on your pump. If you haven't already done so, check these areas for problems before replacing any parts:

·        The liquid detergent dispenser—if it's not flowing properly, this may be due to a clog under its cover plate.

·        The drain hose—the blockage could be anywhere along this length (it's not uncommon for it to kink twice).

·        The pump—it should run freely without being too loud or vibrating excessively (which might indicate a bent impeller).

5. Not Level

If the washing machine is not level, it will vibrate excessively and may cause wear on the bearings. This can lead to premature failure of the washing machine's motor. The most common cause for this problem is an uneven surface where you placed your washing machine. Rather than placing it on top of carpeting or fabric flooring, place it on a concrete slab or flooring that has been levelled with either sand or mortar mixture. You may also want to contact a contractor who specializes in leveling floors if this doesn't help your situation.

6. Overheating

 If your washing machine is overheating, there could be too much detergent in it or some other clog that needs to be cleaned out. You may also need to run more cold water through your machine when it's running hot so that it doesn't overheat again later on down the road!

7. The washing machine won't fill with water

This problem is usually caused by a clogged drain or a bad heating element. To fix it, unplug the machine and check for clogs in the drain hose and pump. If there are any, clean them out with a pair of pliers or similar tool. Once the drain is clear, try running a cycle with no clothes in there to make sure everything is working properly. If this doesn't work, your heating element may be broken and need to be replaced. Then it is best to find a part that fits your machine perfectly, so that it works better. For example, if you have a Bosch machine, choose Bosch spare parts.

8. Clothes aren't getting clean

 Make sure you're using enough detergent for your load size, especially if you have hard water (which can leave behind mineral deposits). If this doesn't help, check for clogs in hoses or filters as well as other problems that might be causing poor drainage within your machine.

9.  The power cord isn't plugged in properly

 Make sure that all of the plugs are connected tightly and that none are loose or missing. If you're using an extension cord, make sure it's rated for heavy-duty use and that it's not damaged or frayed in any way. If your washing machine doesn't have an automatic shutoff, unplugging it immediately will prevent damage to your electrical system.

10. Clothes get stuck in the machine

This problem is caused by an excess of fabric softener or detergent being used in the wash cycle. To fix this issue, simply reduce how much detergent or fabric softener you add to each load. Be sure not to overload your machine either!

Laundry washing machines are a staple of modern life, but they can be prone to a lot of problems. Save this article and come back when you see a problem with washing machines.


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