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Liv Ayurveda

Ayurveda consultations are the steering of that journey. The root cause of any illness is the imbalance present in our bodies. Any deviation from health and wellness is an imbalance and needs attention and early correction to prevent later sufferings. Whether to boost your health or to heal from your ill health, Ayurveda has been helping people for thousands of years. Ayurveda is a way of living. It’s not about lifelong tablets or a restricted lifestyle, but living in tune with your body and nature so that small subtle changes can help you go a long way. Understanding the physical, mental and emotional health is essential to taking further steps in Ayurvedic treatment and Ayurveda consultations are the key to that. Search ayurvedic consultation Sydney to know more about ayurvedic consultation.

Consultation begins with filling in a detailed assessment form that involves a mind-body analysis (body type/ Prakruti) chart along with other details about your health, diet and lifestyle. As Ayurveda is highly individually tailored, a detailed assessment of your history of physical and mental health, diet and lifestyle are important to plan an effective Ayurveda treatment plan that helps to heal you at the physical, mental and emotional levels. Then you will be assessed via pulse diagnosis, tongue diagnosis, nabhi and marma (vital points) assessment along with other traditional physical examinations.

Liv Ayurveda
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