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When Should You See A GP When Pregnant?

When Should You See A GP When Pregnant?

When you're pregnant, the questions and emotions you have about the pregnancy can be overwhelming. There's a lot of advice given on what to expect, but most of it can be conflicting or hard to find.

When to see a GP?

When you're pregnant, it's important to see your doctor for regular check-ups. Here are some questions you may want to ask your GP pregnant:

-How often do I need to see my doctor during my pregnancy?

-What should I expect during my regular check-ups?

-Do I need any tests during my pregnancy?

-How can I keep myself and my baby healthy?

Things to Bring with You to Your Appointment

When you go to see your doctor during your pregnancy, here are a few things to bring with you:

-A recent photo of you and your partner

-Your medical history

-A list of all the medications you are taking, including the dosage and frequency

-A list of all the pregnancies you have had

-Your prenatal care provider's referral letter

-Your health insurance information


When pregnant, it is important to be aware of the different types of health care providers you can see. You may want to consult with your doctor, midwife, or other health care provider about specific prenatal care needs, but there are other options as well. Here are some alternatives to consulting with a doctor:

• Midwife: A midwife is a doctor of midwifery who provides prenatal care and assists during childbirth.

• Nurse practitioner: A nurse practitioner provides primary care for adults and children, including prenatal care. They may also offer testing and treatment for illnesses and injuries.

• Reproductive health specialist: A reproductive health specialist is a doctor or nurse who specializes in reproductive health care, including contraception and abortion.

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