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Benefits and Features of an Adjustable Electric Bed

Desco Medical India
Benefits and Features of an Adjustable Electric Bed

Evolution in scientific development and achievements changing the world of medical supplies as well, everyday new and updated technology with highly developed control functions launch in the market. New generation of electric bed provides special care to the patient and medical professional.

These electric beds are integrated solution for patient care, monitoring and assistance. They are capable of creating more suitable and responsive environment for the patient. They allow adjusting the lower and upper body position.

These beds have certain common features like adjustable height for the entire bed, feet, head, adjustable side rails etc.

Many medical conditions can actually be worsened without proper sleep. Uncomfortable sleep positions can be dangerous for patients. Electric bed allows people to control their sleeping positions. It is particularly useful for people with mobility issues. These beds provide additional support while a patient sits on bed.

Electrically adjustable beds also provide a range of sleep positions a Patient feels comfortable in, depending on ailment. Doctors often recommend elevating the upper body to alleviate the symptoms of acid reflux. Sleeping in a slightly more upright position has the additional benefit of decreasing snoring as well.

DESCO medical India manufactures electric bed that provides high level of comfort to the patient. We are a well-known and reliable manufacturer, supplier and exporter of electric beds globally. We provide ICU electric bed, Full fowler electric bed, semi fowler electric bed and many more.

Source URL: https://www.descomedicalindia.com/blog/benefits-and-features-of-an-adjustable-electric-bed

Desco Medical India
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