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Automatic Hospital Beds: Specifically built to meet a variety of medical demands

Raju Kumar
Automatic Hospital Beds: Specifically built to meet a variety of medical demands


A full electric hospital bed designed for home usage, it has electric motor controls that can raise the head, foot, and height of the bed frame at the touch of a button. This adjustable bed for patients is perfect for anyone who needs a hospital-style bed at home. 


Even if you have disability or health problems, a fully automatic hospital bed enables you to stay in your home. Hospital beds are made with safety in mind. Your bed's side rails can be adjusted to stop you from rolling out of bed.  

Types of automatic hospital beds:

Motorized bed 

A hospital bed that can be raised or lowered according to the patient's needs is called a motorized hospital bed. These have removable side rails and are outfitted with either side. To let the patient, move more easily while sitting or standing up, the head and foot of the bed can be lifted or lowered. Some motorized hospital beds include wheels that can be locked to move patients.  

Adjustable hospital bed 

There are many alternatives for adjustable beds for patients, which resemble regular beds yet have features seen in home hospital beds. These beds are available in various sizes, from twin to king. Adjustable hospital beds are the best option to permanently adopt a hospital bed into a space and add aesthetic value. 

Gatch bed 

Gatch beds have long been in use in hospitals. These automatic beds for patients are frequently found in elderly homes or older hospitals. These mattresses are cozy and operate without power. 

Low air leakage bed 

Special cushions and an air blow system that blows air into the bed sacs are features of a minimal air loss bed. These automatic hospital beds are specially made for patients with skin grafts and burn victims in hospital burn units. They are always kept dry and cool in these beds. 

Hospital beds that collapse 

Apart from other chronic patients, these automatic beds for patients are ideal for people recovering from fractures. These beds are ideal for patients with various learning and sleeping requirements. 


Essential hospital bed accessories:


Many mattresses are available, but not everyone will fit every bed type. Make sure the mattress you select is appropriate for the patient or your needs. 

Overbed Table 

Overbed tables can give patients a smooth, flat surface while lying on a bed to eat, work, and put down personal items. Additionally, they provide a location for healthcare workers to set down their supplies as they provide patient care. 

Length Extension 

For taller people, a length extender is an accessory. While it's entirely up to you, individuals who are 6'2" or taller frequently think about an extension kit to give themselves more room and prevent putting their feet up against or on top of the footboard. 

A bed rail 

Rails serve several purposes and are attached to the side of the bed. They stop patients from twisting and turning in bed. Additionally, they offer a stable handhold that patients can use when turning, moving, and getting in and out of bed. 

Leg lifters 

Patients with limited movement can elevate and lower their legs using leg lifters. They have a handle on one end that the patient grips in their hand and a loop at the other that fits around their foot. Patients can use leg lifters to get in and out of bed. 

Buy or rent a hospital bed. 

The cost of a fully automatic hospital bed can be high and not accessible to many. Some people may need it temporarily, so there are better options than purchasing. The greatest solution for such people's at-home recovery in both situations is hospital beds for rent. It depends on personal opinion, but many people would rather get a brand-new one even though it is a little more expensive. The cost of an automatic hospital bed varies depending on the bed style and how long it will be used. For example, an ICU bed costs more than a standard hospital bed because it provides additional functions. To buy hospital beds you connect with Zero G Beds who offers wide range of adjustable beds. 



Patients who are bedridden benefit from a home hospital bed in terms of independence and quality of life. Patients with the correct adjustable medical bed can continue living in their homes. Patients won't have to give up comfort, safety, or therapeutic uses with a fully adjustable bed made for continuous use. 

Raju Kumar
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