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How to Do Content Marketing for Social Media

Xum Digital
How to Do Content Marketing for Social Media

Learn how to do content marketing for social media and which strategies will really generate more sales for your business.


Currently, more than 4.8 billion people around the world are connected to the virtual environment. Digital media are part of the tools that contribute to this, being great sources of interaction between individuals and brands. This is why content marketing for social media is so important.


To learn more about the topic, read this article:


·        what is the importance of content marketing for social networks;

·        how to start a content marketing strategy for social networks;

·        Why invest in Inbound Marketing.


How important is content marketing for social media?


Social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube and TikTok are part of consumers' lives. Such networks have changed the way we live our lives, being responsible for influencing the public in many ways.


Whether in the way we act, speak, and even in the artistic works and products we consume. The internet and digital media continue to influence the behaviour of society.


To understand such influence, we brought the following data from the 2021 Global Digital Statshot report:


·        more than two-thirds of the world's population use cell phones, reaching a total of 5.29 billion people;

·        We reached the mark of 4.88 billion people who use the internet, totalling 62% of the world population. There was an increase of more than 220 million compared to the previous year;

·        the number of users on social networks also increased by more than 400 million, reaching a total of 4.55 billion people;

·        TikTok, for example, has passed the 1 billion monthly active users mark.


With that, you can get an idea that digital platforms are not only here to stay, but they still have a great potential for growth, right? In this context, your business cannot be left out!


But for success and prominence in this scenario, content marketing for social networks must have a correct and strategic plan.


How to start content marketing strategy for social networks?


It is not enough just to have an online presence. Before making any type of post, to make an efficient and search Content Marketing Agency in San Francisco, it is necessary to know exactly what your audience likes, so it is possible to win them over by their interests.


Be ready to instigate the consumer's desire, solving the possible pains that he has and that your business will solve!


Check out these tips for setting up your plan:


1. Define your ideal audience persona


You need to know the audience you are talking to. For this, it is necessary to define the persona , which is a fictional character that represents the ideal customer of a business.


For this, data and characteristics of real customers are used , such as:


·        behaviour;

·        demographic data;

·        problems;

·        challenges;

·        Goals.


2. Know which social networks you will work on


To start the strategic planning of your content marketing for Social Media Management San Francisco, you need to define which channels your company will operate on. It is not necessary to be present on all platforms, but it is recommended to define which are the most important to strengthen your brand.


It is best to present relevant content on networks that make sense, rather than just replicating content across digital media without much coherence or planning.


For example, when sharing a link to a new blog post on Instagram, you might want to think of illustrative content like an infographic.


Images with a lot of text don't give the proper reading in this digital media, which causes your engagement to be harmed. For Instagram, the ideal is that only 25% of the post has written content, to guarantee delivery.


For posts on Twitter, you can provide a button that automatically publishes a certain phrase or statistic — in the required size — right from your blog.


The integration of different channels contributes to engagement on your pages. By doing this, you guarantee that the published content is, in fact, interesting for those who make up that audience.


So, before producing any text for different social channels, answer these five questions to identify if it is relevant content:


·        Is this content aimed at my audience?;

·        Will my audience understand the subject?;

·        In which format can I better convey this idea?;

·        Why is this publication important?;

·        Can the idea be conveyed more directly and objectively?


Once you answer these questions, you will have a more developed idea ready to be produced.


3. Make a posting plan


To ensure that your content marketing actions for social networks are efficient, it is essential to have a post plan. Through it, it is possible to make more strategic decisions.


For example, is there a date or moment that is most important to your business? What actions will be taken on these days? How will you digitally plan your actions to engage the public?


Thus, it is possible to analyse in advance and think calmly, polishing ideas. With a publishing schedule, we can take more assertive actions.


4. Build relationships with influencers


Many people base their purchase decisions on the recommendation of influencers. With this, we see that the strength of these professionals in social networks is undeniable.


Therefore, it is important to build a relationship with influencers in your niche , through the exchange of promotion and support. This contact must be built and can take some time.



5. Don't just talk about your business


David Meerman Scott, an American online marketing strategist and author of several marketing books, in his book “Marketing and Communication in the Digital Age”, emphasizes that the old rules of marketing are completely ineffective in a virtual world.


Marketing used to be a one-way street — the company spoke and the public reacted or not to that message, without any interaction. It was focused solely on selling and few went beyond that approach until the early 2000s.


Sharing relevant content at the exact moment your audience needs it takes your brand from the interruption stage to the pain resolution stage. This is one of the main points of Inbound Marketing .


You have to take the focus off the product and put the focus on solving the customer's problem, and this is possible if the company doesn't just talk about it all the time. It is necessary to talk to the user, bring relevant information, listen to him and offer solutions to his problems. It's a real exchange of knowledge!


How does Inbound Marketing help generate more results for your business?


Inbound Marketing strategies are closely tied to content marketing for social networks and blogs. This is because, in Inbound, there is a prioritization of producing content and actions for the right audience. In other words, it's about creating a personalized journey for your business to become relevant to qualified leads.


In this way, the lead is nourished, passing through the sales funnel from the point of discovery - when he still doesn't know he has a problem - to conversion, when the person becomes a customer and makes the purchase of yours. product or service.


Inbound Marketing strategies make the right people see your business as the ideal solution for them. Despite the great results of social networks, Inbound really reaches the right person and makes them make the decision to buy your product because they trust your brand.


Often, a post on the social network can reach a lot of people, but it doesn't reach the audience that will actually buy from your company.


What Inbound Strategies Can Your Business Use?


Inbound Marketing is not just about posts on social networks, but about 360º solutions. That is, it involves actions:


·        traffic generation ;

·        content production;

·        audience segmentation ;

·        media management;

·        creation of Landing Pages;

·        lead management;

·        intelligent marketing automation;

·        Marketing emails.


What is the role of Content Marketing within Inbound?


Within the materials and strategies mentioned, content marketing has a fundamental role. Among the actions that can generate more results is the creation of content such as:


·        e-book;

·        Infographic;

·        guide;

·        quiz;

·        blog article;

·        video transcription;

·        product description;

·        Description of website categories.


With all these materials, plus paid ad strategies (from Google Ads and Facebook Ads, among others), the chances of you generating more sales for your business increase.

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