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Prescription Migraine Medications for Pain Relief

James smith
Prescription Migraine Medications for Pain Relief

Today, when people talk about prescription migraine medications, they usually mean preventative or abortifacient medications. In years past, before these options were available, prescription pain relievers were the only option available to migraine sufferers. Prescription pain relievers are now more commonly prescribed as a last option for people who need emergency pain relief and those whose conditions are not well controlled with preventative or abortive medications.

Why is this? Prescription pain relievers run the risk of being addictive in addition to affecting normal function while in use. Unfortunately, not all patients fully understand the nature of what they are taking when the medication is originally prescribed, and many are surprised by the problems they encounter. With that being said, prescription pain relievers have their place in an effective treatment regimen as determined by you and your doctor.

The most common categories of migraine prescription drugs for pain relief:

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

NSAIDs are most commonly associated with over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen. Prescription NSAIDs come in two varieties: COX-1 and COX-2 inhibitors. These medications have the ability to completely block the chemicals that cause inflammation. Common prescription NSAIDs include diclofenac, meloxicam, nabumetone, and celecoxib. Gastrointestinal pain, discomfort, and in extreme cases, damage can range from mild to severe with NSAIDs.


Narcotics work by interfering with your body's ability to feel pain. Narcotics are highly addictive and when used greatly interfere with one's ability to carry out normal activities. Feelings ranging from dizziness to loss of consciousness are the most commonly reported. Awareness affecting the side effects of narcotics makes it impossible to drive or work under the influence. The most common narcotics include oxycodone (similar to morphine), hydrocodone, and propoxyphene. Narcotic/acetaminophen mixtures are also sometimes prescribed.

In addition to the risk of physical addiction and very unpleasant withdrawal side effects, narcotics are also not safe for pregnant or nursing mothers, in combination with alcohol and prescription Suhagra 100 such as antidepressants, tranquilizers, and sedatives.


Barbiturates are essentially sedatives that act by depressing the central nervous system. The most commonly prescribed barbiturates for headaches and migraines are usually a combination of acetaminophen, caffeine, and barbiturates (for example, Fioricet). Like narcotics, barbiturates are also highly addictive, they are not safe for pregnant or nursing mothers, other prescription drugs should not be used unless approved by your doctor. Since many of these medications already contain acetaminophen, it is important not to take more than the recommended amount of medication. When taken in excess, acetaminophen can cause liver damage and even death.

What this medicine is going to treat: It may seem obvious, but if you are dealing with more than one medicine, you should not confuse one that treats high blood pressure with one that treats headache. One you need to take every day with one you take only when needed.

How long will the medication take to work? It may only take a few minutes for it to start working, or it may take much longer than that. It is good to know the answer to this question. Especially if it can take a couple of weeks to take effect!

Interactions with Food, Drinks, Herbs, and Medications: Alcohol consumption is an obvious substance that can interact with medications. But did you know that grapefruit, chocolate and licorice are also common? Herbal supplements can interact with prescription drugs, over-the-counter drugs, the list goes on. Tell both your doctor and pharmacist what medications (prescription and over-the-counter) and herbal supplements you are taking. Ask what should not be taken with the prescription, including foods and drinks.

James smith
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