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Service Provider of Cold Chamber in India-Kesar Control Systems

Kesar Control
Service Provider of Cold Chamber in India-Kesar Control Systems

Kesar Control Systems produce laboratory stuff which is helpful in all types of experiments.

Our product variety includes Chamber walk-in stability chamber, Humidity Chamber, a cold chamber, and Incubator like BOD Incubator. The Walk-in Stability Chambers are designed for accurate control, observing & simulating of temperature and humidity conditions required for the long run, intermediate & accelerated stability studies at chemical, pharmaceutical, and agrochemical manufacturing facilities. whereas Cold Chamber also offered to find use in

labs for managing temperatures and provides perfect support for the keeping of samples.

Based on advanced technology support, a cold chamber is suitable for use in regions requiring fast changes in temperature. The Humidity chambers are used to test the impact of varying environments on products to determine the length of their usefulness and at what point they will fail. The BOD Incubator is a special type of incubator which is used to generate an insular environment with a constant temperature of 20 degrees centigrade.

These Pharmaceutical equipment manufactured by Kesar Control Systems is perfectly created for the high Demand for stability studies, storing biological specimens, and climatic Checks.

For more details: https://www.kesarcontrol.com/cold-chamber.php

Kesar Control
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