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Mold Removal - Should You Do it Yourself Or Call a Mold Remediation Specialist?

Simon Air Quality
Mold Removal - Should You Do it Yourself Or Call a Mold Remediation Specialist?

Everybody's archenemy is mould. You've just discovered that your house has an issue. What do you do now?

To a large extent, this is due to the misconception that you can solve the issue on your own. If you're up for the challenge, mould removal "How To" articles are readily available online. A lack of suitable protective gear and disinfectants means that many people are at risk. There's bleach, isn't there? The myth that bleach kills fungus is unfounded, as you might expect. Bleach only removes the colour by "bleaching" it away, leaving the roots intact and ready to grow. In addition, killing it isn't enough; you must also remove it.

There are a number of measures that need to be done very carefully in order to eliminate mould. Starting with the proper removal of the fungus and the affected area and ending with the correct disposal (even dead fungus gives off volatile organic compounds and is a potential allergen). For example, a widespread misunderstanding among consumers is that mould on bathroom tiles may be efficiently removed. Again, the vast majority of so-called mould killers on the market are bleach-based. As far as I know, there is no other way to get rid of the mould from your shower stall than to entirely remove all of its grout and start again.

There is no mould problem too big or little for remediation businesses to deal with. Typically, a professional will come out and analyse the situation once the initial call has been made. Usually, a quote can be formed from that point. Before moving on to the next step, a complete mould inspection and mould testing will take place. Mold removal and cleanup will begin following the completion of the initial examination and testing. In a matter of minutes, your home will be mold-free and restored.

The biggest advantage of hiring a mould removal service is that all of the fungus will be eliminated (often, this is guaranteed). Mold firms use specialised technology to pinpoint the exact location of mould, whether it is visible or invisible. The International Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) is a good place to start when looking for a restoration company (Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration). These mold removal brampton experts have received specialised training and are licenced and certified to restore properties to like-new condition. After the remediation is complete, mould remediation companies will typically provide you with specific advise on how to keep your home or business mold-free. Obviously, expert mould remediation services cost money; nevertheless, the cost may be far less than you expect.

It's possible that self-removal of a little amount of mould is your best bet. A good respirator or mask designed specifically for the protection against mould spores, as well as eye protection and industrial rubber gloves should be worn if you opt to eradicate mould on your own. It's important to remember that you'll need to wash the clothes you're wearing shortly following your operation. Contacting a mould removal business should be considered if you have an extensive mould problem, such as black mould growing around every window and in every bathroom. Mold is more than just an eyesore; it can cause severe headaches, exhaustion, sinusitis, and even asthma. Your health and well-being will improve if you take care of your mould problem now.


An effective mould remover might be extremely difficult to find. After discovering a problem with mould or mildew in our house, many of us rush to buy any mould remover that promises to kill and clean the mould rapidly. Consider this: Mold can be harmful and cause you and your family health problems on its own, so why would you want to use a mould remover with strong and toxic chemicals in it? Particularly when used by folks who have little or no knowledge with their use!

Although commercial mould removers can be quite powerful, they should be used with caution near children and pets. Employing workers who aren't familiar with handling hazardous substances could do major damage to your budget.

Is there anything further that could be done? Alternatively, you can use natural mould removers, which are equally as effective as commercial mould removers but do not pose the health risks that come along with them.

The following are four examples of natural mould removers that work:

Mold can be effectively removed with Tea Tree Oil, which is readily available in health food stores. If you just need to use a small amount of it, you'll obtain excellent results. It can be applied to walls, ceilings, shower curtains, and other surfaces. At least it's better than musty, mouldy smells that you'll be greeted with when you open the package! The vast majority of moulds appear to be eliminated and killed by Tea Tree Oil.

To begin, fill a spray bottle with 2 teaspoons of tea tree oil and about 2 cups of water. Spray the mouldy spots with the solution after a gentle shake to combine the two. The mixture does not need to be rinsed off before drying. For future use, you can store the mixture in the refrigerator.

Vinegar is a culinary staple that can be found in almost every home, and it costs very little to purchase. Using a spray bottle to apply white distilled vinegar straight to the mould will kill roughly 82% of the moulds, according to research. Don't wash, just let it dry. It's a little stinky, but it's a great, inexpensive mould remover!

In comparison to the other extracts, grapefruit seed extract is absolutely odourless. On the other hand, like tea tree oil, it's quite pricey, albeit only little amounts are required. Mix two cups of water with 20 drops of grapefruit extract in a spray bottle. No rinsing is necessary, just let it dry after reapplying to the affected area. This mixture, too, can be stored for an endless period of time.

Natural products for mould removal and eradication are, of course, commercially accessible. The first of them is Molderizer, which is made from 100 percent organic ingredients and is suitable to use in households with pets and children. Molderizer works by altering the DNA of the mould, killing it and making it impossible for it to return. It has been proven to be highly effective and pleasant to the nose.

Using these mould removers is great, but the best method to deal with mould is to avoid it in the first place.

Proper property upkeep is a need. Before a small problem becomes a huge and expensive one, take care of any corrective work related to plumbing and the building's fabric.

By increasing the amount of ventilation in your home, you can reduce the amount of humidity in your home. Set up a ventilation fan for the bathroom, install a cooking exhaust fan in the kitchen, and open the windows. Ideally, both of them should be vented to the outside. Consider purchasing a dehumidifier to keep humidity levels below 55%, which will help avoid moderate growth. Mold spores can be removed from the air by using various air filters that come with many dehumidifiers.

Simon Air Quality
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