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Linda Kazares Photography - Virtual Photographer

Linda Kazares
Linda Kazares Photography - Virtual Photographer

Linda Kazares is a professional virtual photographer who offers personal remote headshots for ultimate social distancing. Our remote photography and coaching service mirrors a professional studio photoshoot experience for headshots and personal branding. The Virtual Impact Photography experience lets you feel comfortable and safe in your own surroundings while a professional photographer coaches them afar for the best poses, best lighting, and most effective settings before the photographer snaps the shutter remotely. We work with multi-location clients located anywhere in the world.  Personal branding photography is more than just photographing a client's headshot for a website. It is critical that you can create well-crafted images that will be used as marketing content for the consumer. Linda Kazares Photography specializes in corporate headshots and personal branding photography. We take Personal Branding Headshots virtually, which is similar to an in-person headshot or branding session, except it takes place entirely online. 

Linda Kazares is a professional photographer who specializes in virtual headshots and personal branding. We are committed to supporting companies and individuals who need professional photography in a safe and comfortable environment and producing the same level of quality photos to be used in their marketing and promotion. The companies we work with are diverse, with non-centrally located employees, and at the same time, adhere to corporate standards for visual asset databases. For more details, visit our virtual impact photography page.

Linda Kazares
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