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130cm Tablet Stands/Holder Adjustable Mount

130cm Tablet Stands/Holder Adjustable Mount

Desktop Phone Tablet Stands 130cm Tablet Holder Adjustable Mount For Tablet 4.0 To 10.6 inch Bed Tablet PC Stand Metal Support

Using Tips

1.When you use holding big size tablet, please try to loop the goose neck into a “S” “Z” or circle shape which would provide more stability

2. Please Bend using two hands and just bend the goose neck when adjusting the position because it is stiff. Put your iPad into the bracket holder vertically, and switch it to landscape position when view.

3.Please don’t over tighten the base clamp too much so it won’t break easily. Please remove the tablet when your are not using it, so can be extends products service life.

4.Recommended that the products not be used with the tablet protect cover, because the protect cover too thick and will affect the pressure of the bracket mount. Thanks.

130cm Tablet Stands/Holder Adjustable Mount

130cm Tablet Stands/Holder Adjustable Mount

130cm Tablet Stands/Holder Adjustable Mount

130cm Tablet Stands/Holder Adjustable Mount

130cm Tablet Stands/Holder Adjustable Mount 130cm Tablet Stands/Holder Adjustable Mount 130cm Tablet Stands/Holder Adjustable Mount 130cm Tablet Stands/Holder Adjustable Mount 130cm Tablet Stands/Holder Adjustable Mount

130cm Tablet Stands/Holder Adjustable Mount

130cm Tablet Stands/Holder Adjustable Mount

130cm Tablet Stands/Holder Adjustable Mount

130cm Tablet Stands/Holder Adjustable Mount

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