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Musculoskeletal Health


When we have aches and pains, we frequently seek aid or Myotherapy Fitzroy and begin caring for our bodies. However, musculoskeletal health should be a lifetime commitment, and getting care from a myotherapist should not be the last resort.

Instead, include exercises, stretches, and healthy habits in your family's routine to provide your bodies with the care and support they require.

Good musculoskeletal health begins at a young age, and your trusted Myotherapy Fitzroy team has some great advice on how to get you and your entire family off to a good start.

To begin, what exactly is the musculoskeletal system, and how does it become injured?

Muscles, bones, tendons, ligaments, and soft tissues make up your musculoskeletal system.

Expressed, it makes it easier for you to move and accomplish the activities you enjoy. Injuries, stress, aging, and disease can cause pain and stiffness, but maintaining a healthy lifestyle can help your musculoskeletal system stay stronger.


1) Get up and about!

It should be no surprise that exercise is essential for maintaining a strong, healthy body and avoiding pain and stiffness. Enrolling your children in sports at a young age and active family outings will give them the greatest start.

Find what works for your family and stick to it! Take walks and hikes, or play ball at the park.

Stretching and muscle recovery should be a natural part of any physical activity to avoid injury, pain, and stiffness later. If you want to get back into shape, we've put up a helpful blog to get you started!

2) Consume a well-balanced and nutritious diet.

A well-balanced diet aids in the feeding and strengthening of our musculoskeletal system.

So, as much as possible, avoid ready-meals and sugary beverages in favor of a diet rich in leafy greens, lean meats, fresh fruits, nuts, and plenty of water.

3) Take a walk outside and soak up the sun.

Sunshine helps to strengthen our bones by increasing our bodies' production of vitamin D, which aids in calcium absorption and bone strength. Remember that the sun in Australia is particularly intense, so make sure you and your entire family slip, slop, slap, and wraps before venturing outside.

On the other hand, being sun smart implies limiting vitamin D absorption from the sun.

To be safe, check with your doctor to see if you're naturally getting the correct quantity of vitamin D for your health.

4) Get plenty of rest.

While we sleep, our bodies mend strains and strengthen our muscles, so getting the correct amount of sleep each night provides our bodies the best chance to recover for the day ahead.

It's also important to ensure that everyone in the family sleeps on good mattresses with the right firmness for a good night's sleep and to avoid pain and stiffness.


Sleep, exercise, a balanced diet, and exposure to the sun are all established techniques to improve our musculoskeletal system, regardless of age. When our bodies grow, become injured, or age, having a trusted myotherapy professional to turn to is also important for relieving pain and stiffness.


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