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The 8 Most Common Causes of Roof Leaks

Hampton Roofing
The 8 Most Common Causes of Roof Leaks

We all understand that repairing a roof takes time and money. sometimes, you might also not be able to know the reason. So, we've developed a list of various causes of roof leaks to help you save money on your investment. We'll describe how they appear, why they occur, and how to avoid them. this list can come in handy whether your roof is a year old or a decade old. with this list try to find the difference between a minor repair and a huge renovation.


1. Cracked Flashings


Flashing is a thin sheet of metal that is fitted beneath the shingles and on the roof's joints to provide a water-resistant barrier that can be hidden or exposed. Large cracks will appear in broken flashing. Roofing contractors frequently use tar to join the flashing, which can deteriorate over time. If your flashing is left exposed, elements such as wind and rain may cause it to fracture.


2. Broken Shingles


Because shingles comprise the roof's outer layer, you should be able to spot missing shingles on your roof by looking for different-coloured patches. After a very bad storm, you can find the shingles themselves destroying your yard. Remove the shingle that has been broken and replace it with a new one, securing it with four new nails. Or you can also call the professionals for roof repairs.


3. Damaged Chimney


Typically, symptoms of wear and tear can be found around the mud cap, or mortared region, around the top of the chimney. You should also inspect the mortared connections where the chimney meets the roof for any holes. You should also check for any loose flashing and damaged shingles in the area surrounding the chimney.


4. Cracked Vents


Roof vents are like little pipes that come out of your roof. They're utilized to remove excess moisture from the house's interior. Leaks from this location will almost certainly leave dark patches. Roof vents are frequently sealed by wrapping flashing around the aperture and sliding a tight rubber boot over the place where the pipe protrudes through the roof. The flashing may break or the roof may deteriorate over time.


5. Ice Dam Buildup


A ridge of ice formed at the edge of a roof, preventing melting snow from flowing away. The weight of the ice itself, as well as the water sitting on the roof's surface, can cause damage. Contacting some professional roofing services may solve this problem.


6. Improperly Installed Skylights


Leaks from this type of issue should be straightforward to detect. You've discovered the source of damp spots and the necessity to install drip buckets around the sides of your skylights on a regular basis. Leaks and wet areas near the top of the skylight, on the other hand, could be a flashing issue.


7. Clogged Gutters


One of the most common and underappreciated sources of roof leaks is a broken pipe. Your gutters are designed to direct water away from your roof. Several types of debris like twigs, leaves and other natural waste can sauce blockage of the gutters resulting in cracks in the gutter. This may also result in gutter overflow which will ultimately cause roof leaks.


8. Improper Alignment of Valleys


 A point where two roof planes intersect is a valley. Because these portions of the roof are frequently sloped, rainwater can get inside if the valleys are not securely sealed together as it goes down the roof. Look for wet patches running along the edges of your roof to see if there's a problem.


Bottom Line


For a roof replacement, repair and any other kind of roofing services you can contact professional roofing contractors. Whether it is for roofing contractors in Twickenham or well-trained roofers in Teddington you can contact Hampton Roofing. Hampton Roofing is a leading roofing contractor in Hampton and covers a wide range of areas to deliver promising services.


Hampton Roofing
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