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Translation as art

John Alex
Translation as art

marriage translation service london studies is simultaneously a science, craft and art. Every business turns into art if it falls into the hands of a talented person. A pottery master can mold a vase that will become a masterpiece. The tailor is able to sew a dress that will end up in a fashion museum. The translator will translate the poem, which will become a classic. 


     “The trouble is, if the shoemaker starts the pies, And the pieman makes boots,” wrote Krylov in the fable “Pike and the Cat”. A person who does not speak a foreign language, a literary talent, is unlikely to create a translation that will become a work of art. 


     Linguists, philologists, writers, journalists and other masters of literature who have mastered foreign languages ​​and at the same time are fluent in their native language become translators. First, they master grammar, vocabulary, phonetics, read mountains of scientific and fiction literature in order to become a translator. The art of translation has been mastered for decades. This is a practice that is multiplied by the experience and deepest knowledge of linguistic science. 


     Translation agency "SayUp" daily turns translation into art. Translation masters work on every word. Particles are woven into the canvas of the text with a gold thread to make a pattern.

John Alex
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