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What are the qualities of a professional translator?

John Alex
What are the qualities of a professional translator?

 The profession of a translator does not lose its relevance in the period of active international relations in the field of culture, trade, politics, and industry. What a professional translator can do - we will tell in the article.


     First of all, the translator is a master of the craft, that is, he has the skills of professional translation. To do this, the specialist graduates from higher education in the specialty "Translation Studies". Translators of a narrow focus receive two educations: linguistic and legal, or philological and medical. A broad outlook helps the translator to work in different directions and topics. 


     Self-organization of work and communication skills help to complete the work on time and find a common language with the customer. A pleasant appearance and a neat appearance contribute to attracting a customer base. 


     A good memory helps to remember the speech of the interlocutor. If the translator translates in sentences rather than phrases, the effectiveness and quality of the translation will increase significantly.


     LST translation agency employs best certified translators with the necessary qualifications. Order interpretation or written translation from "LST" - and see for yourself!

John Alex
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