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Best Android Libraries To Accelerate App Development

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Best Android Libraries To Accelerate App Development

Android OS is leading the global market share with 71.59% with improved stability, maturity, and technological innovations.

The captivating statistics showcase how much people are using Android apps to get their needs served. It creates a gala opportunity for businesses to catch maximum eyeballs by building Android apps. The businesses partner with android development companies to move ahead with Android app development.

Android app development is a time-consuming, complex, and tedious process because of device fragmentation issues. The app development companies preferably use Kotlin as opposed to Java to get Android apps developed in reduced time. When we surveyed the team of Android developers, they stated it’s not enough to accelerate app development.

Android OS provides a set of libraries that developers leverage to meet different Android app development requirements of the businesses. Let’s understand Android libraries in a nutshell.

What are Android libraries?

The Android libraries are pre-defined blocks of code that come with a pre-designed interface. The libraries include documentation and message template that help the user know how to implement the libraries. The Android libraries enable Android development in reduced efforts and time as they don’t require developers to build them from scratch. They act as a readymade tool to build the functionality effortlessly.

Which libraries enable Android development in reduced time?

  • · Reactive programming libraries
  • · Drawing libraries
  • · Image loading libraries
  • · UI component libraries
  • · Testing libraries


Android libraries are a boon to the Android ecosystem that enables Android developers to build quality apps in reduced time and effort from scratch. With the increasing trend for Android app development, it’s essential to know the libraries that make Android development seamless.

Before selecting an Android library, the developers must check a couple of things such as license authenticity, author’s reliability, popularity, reliability, recommendations, and code quality to ensure it may not pose any problem at a later stage. Don’t get confused with fancy options, instead, choose the library that makes Android app development a breeze.

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