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best Private Villas in Kodaikanal for Homestay

best Private Villas in Kodaikanal for Homestay

best Private Villas in Kodaikanal for Homestay

Be it a family trip or unplanned buddies trip or a romantic trip, Kodaikanal is one of a kind place that holds the very nature of giving comforts and happiness to the people visiting it. Being surrounded by magnificent granite cliffs, verdant valleys, peaceful lakes, and cascade waterfalls, it is such an eye treat for the visitors. No one wants to miss a visit if they have a chance to visit Kodaikanal.


Kodaikanal holds the very nature of attracting people to visit after summer. Though there are many people who love Kodaikanal at all seasons. As there are numerous beautiful spots to visit, a day or two is not sufficient enough. If you wish to soak the Kodaikanal memories to your soul you need at least a week. Getting a place that will make you feel like home is quite difficult as Kodai is one of the most popular places and most visited places in South India. You have to plan a getaway at least a month before you visit Kodaikanal.


Worry not, there is a way to get the best place that will make your visit to Kodaikanal awesome, even at a week’s notice. But how?


Well, Here is the golden tip. If you just expand your homestay search to just 10-20 km from the center of Kodaikanal, you will find some best places to stay and chill your visit to Kodaikanal at affordable costs. Here in this blog, we will be discussing the best way to choose your place to stay in Kodaikanal.

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