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6 Remarkable Difference Between Dental Implants and Dentures

Ashton Avenue Dental Practice
6 Remarkable Difference Between Dental Implants and Dentures

Teeth loss occurs due to various reasons. It can either be old age, trauma due to an accident, or tooth decay. What follows is a rigorous process of selecting the right teeth replacement option for you. 

Dental implants are tiny artificial tooth roots made of titanium alloy and are inserted into a patient’s jawbone in a quick dental procedure. These roots merge with the jawbone over time and work as anchors to the new artificial teeth which get fixed on top of them. As dental implants are fixed to your jawbone, they are permanent and cannot be removed at home. Select a teeth replacement options after consulting an experienced specialist dentist only. They can help you select the best option for your dental and budgetary requirements.

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Ashton Avenue Dental Practice
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