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Popular AC Tractor Models In India With Price & Features

diksha gupta
Popular AC Tractor Models In India With Price & Features

AC tractors are the most iconic tractor technology in the time of modern technology. As we know, farming has faced many transformations from manual farming to modern mechanization. It includes so many modern, innovative and advanced technologies and AC tractors are one of them. AC tractors are a valuable part of agriculture machinery that saves the operator from excess heat, heavy wind and freezing while farming. In India, many tractor brands manufacture AC tractor models like Mahindra, John Deere, New Holland, Sonalika and Preet, which come in the range between 57 HP to 120 HP. AC tractors are mainly used in Punjab and Haryana due to large farms and excess heat. So, here we are showing some popular AC tractor models in India. 

Mahindra Arjun Novo 605 DI-i-with AC

Mahindra Arjun Novo 605 DI-i-with AC is a 57 HP AC tractor which is available in 2WD and 4WD. It is a heavy-duty tractor model which is fitted with 3531 CC and generates 2100 ERPM with 4 cylinders. This popular tractor price starts from Rs.10.60 - 11.30 lakh*. 

John Deere 5060 E - 4WD AC Cabin

It is fitted with a robust engine and 3 cylinders that deliver a 60 HP. This tractor delivers a 51 PTO HP, which makes it compatible with almost every farm application. The John Deere 5060 E price is convenient and fits the higher-budget farmers.  

Preet 9049 AC 4WD

The Preet 9049 AC 4WD tractor comes with 90 HP and 76.5 PTO HP that can lift up to 2400 kg. The Preet 9049 AC 4WD starts from Rs. 20.20 - 22.10 lakh*. 

Check more details about the AC tractor models which we have mentioned above by visiting our website. 

diksha gupta
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