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How To Provide Better PV Protection To Your Panels

How To Provide Better PV Protection To Your Panels


Solar panels are long-term requirements and conserve energy. Besides, they offer pollution-free options for non-renewable and anti-environment sources like coal. These panels are nowadays used in residential and entrepreneurial setups to cut down on electricity bills and fossil fuel consumption.

Source :https://unsplash.com/photos/WvusC5M-TM8


As with any new appliance, they need proper care and attention at regular intervals to function with maximum efficiency. But the wear and tear caused by nature create a different situation. Since solar PV panels are constantly exposed. They typically suffer occasional damage due to animals and other natural reasons. Though their existing strength and durability provide them sufficient protection against environmental events,. You can take specific steps to ensure better security for your panels.


Steps To Better Protect Your Panels

Many problems can arise when the solar panels get exposed for an extended period. Those issues can become long-term problems and damage the panels if not tended to. Even the warranty provided will not bear such matters. Therefore, you can take the following steps to maintain your PV setup. Solar companies like Beny Electric provide expert advice and appliances as the perfect solar panel solutions.


Solar PV Monitoring

For your solar setup to work correctly, all the components must work simultaneously, starting with the wiring to the inverters and panels. Damage anywhere in the PV setup will prevent your entire application from functioning. But, one can avoid these issues with solar monitoring.


Many solar monitoring setups function at the macro level. If there is a problem in one of the components, it becomes difficult for the technicians to identify and fix it. However, by using micro-inverters, you can monitor your particular solar panel and conveniently reach the problem's source.


Solar Panel Cleaning

By using your solar system continuously, debris accumulates gradually and restricts sunlight from reaching the solar cells adequately. This might cause your solar setup to produce less energy. You can avoid this by getting your PV panel cleaned sufficiently. It is recommended to opt for professional solar panel cleaning services rather than doing it on your own.


This ensures that the cleaning is proper, as evident from the results, and your appliance will also be risk-free. It is done annually and boosts the performance of your solar setup significantly.


Panel And Valve Sealing

The seals on solar panels can get damaged with time and let water seep into the PV system, causing electrical problems. However, regular inspection of panel seals and resealing the damaged seals can prevent short circuits. If they start wearing out, you need to enhance the sealing between the roof and panel. The valves in an industrial PV system can affect the whole system's working if they are not sealed correctly.


With regular wear and tear, they can also lose their efficiency. So it is crucial to keep a check on the valves and ensure that they are in good condition and sealed adequately while installing the PV setup. It would be best if you also replaced the damaged valves. The best industrial valve functions for a long time without any damage.


Weather Protection Properties

Installation of lightning conductors or rods can also prevent strikes on solar panels. Distant but intense lightning strikes can also damage your solar appliances causing voltage fluctuation and fire. Residences and businesses can use secure anchoring setups to protect the panels in stormy, windy conditions to remain firm and unmoved from the surface.


Fuse Protection For PV Panels

The PV cells are connected in parallel according to the setup's required capacity. A fuse on each cell will prevent short circuits and any hazardous events. It will also decapitate a particular damaged cell so that the PV system works without any problem. One can use a combination of fuse links mainly made for PV setups for a PV panel with many solar modules. You can choose from a range of fuse links suitable for your PV setup.


Solar Installation Maintenance

Overall, routine servicing and maintenance of the entire solar setup are essential for your PV system's long-term working. A periodic service report can help determine the status of your PV setup, and any issues that come out can resolve quickly. Since you can set up multiple appliances with a solar PV system, you need to ensure that all devices function correctly.


Appliances like water heaters, power inverters, refrigerators, and oxygen generators require regular checking to ensure no malfunctioning. Refrigerators and oxygen generators need special care as they are essential devices in hospitals and homes. Chemicals like molsiv adsorbent help increase the efficiency of oxygen generators and provide them with long life.



Solar energy is standard nowadays due to its durability, affordability, and efficiency. It is seen as a positive investment as it is less dependent on natural factors and prevents the pollution caused by fossil fuels. People should invest more in this clean and renewable energy resource. Being one of the top renewable energy resources, it is valuable when there is a power outage or when non-renewable resources are not working. However, you can follow some caretaking steps to fully use your system and appliances for as long as possible without any hassle. 

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