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What is Centurylink DSL and what are its features

George Hawkins
What is Centurylink DSL and what are its features

DSL, or Digital Subscriber Line, service is a type of internet connection that uses telephone lines to provide high-speed connections. DSL is a popular option for many people because it is affordable and usually has fast speeds. Centurylink DSL is a high-speed internet service that provides customers with robust connection speeds. In addition to its fast speeds, Centurylink DSL also offers a wide range of features that make it an ideal choice for those looking for a reliable and affordable internet solution. Some of the features that set Centurylink DSL apart from other providers include its unlimited data allowance, 24/7 customer support, and comprehensive security suite.


How to get Centurylink DSL service?


DSL internet providers offer high-speed internet service to customers all over the United States. If you are looking for a DSL provider in your area, Centurylink is a great option. In this article, we will show you how to get Centurylink DSL service. First, you need to check availability in your area. Then, you will need to purchase the modem and install it yourself or have a technician do it for you. Finally, you will need to activate your service by contacting Centurylink.


The cost of Centurylink DSL service


Centurylink DSL is one of the most popular internet service providers in the United States. It offers a range of speeds and prices to meet the needs of nearly any household or business. However, as with all ISPs, the cost of Centurylink DSL service can vary depending on your location and other factors.


The price starts at $49 per month

Download speed: Up to 140Mbps

Upload speed: Up to 40Mbps

Availability of fastest speed: 27%


Centurylink is one of the most popular DSL providers


Centurylink is one of the most popular DSL providers in the Elk River. It has a wide selection of plans and services to choose from, making it a great option for anyone looking for high-speed internet service. In addition to its competitive rates, Centurylink also offers excellent customer service, making it an attractive choice for those looking for a reliable provider. Whether you're just starting out or are already familiar with CenturyLink’s products and services, be sure to check out our latest deals and promotions to see how you can save on your monthly bill.



Centurylink DSL internet is a great choice for your home or business. It’s reliable, fast, and perfect for streaming movies and music, gaming, online shopping, and more. Plus, you can count on Centurylink customer service to be there when you need them.

Give us a call at (855) 561-1333 today to see how we can get you set up with the best broadband deal for your needs.

George Hawkins
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