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Do You Have to Replace Garage Door Panels?

Americans Garage Door Repair
Do You Have to Replace Garage Door Panels?

Garage Door Panels

Garage door panels are an important part of a garage door. It is the large vertical or horizontal part of a garage door. It is commonly located beneath the windows. Depending on the style and size of the garage door, the number of garage door panels required varies. The different types of garage door panel styles are raised panels, flush panels, recessed panels and carriage-style panels. Horizontal, vertical and herringbone are the directional options for the garage door panel. True-swing doors have 2, 3, 4, etc. panels. Trifold doors have 3, 6, 9, etc. Panels. Bifold doors have 4, 8, 12, etc. panels.

Garage Door Panels Replacement

Garage door panels replacement is required when the garage door panel is damaged. It is less expensive to replace a garage door panel than the entire garage door. There are many garage door panel styles, viz., flat solid wood panels, flush tongue and groove wood panels, beaded panels, beaded tongue and groove panels, V-groove tongue and groove panels, flat composite wood panels, flat vinyl or urethane panels, glass panels in aluminium frames, V-groove panels, raised solid wood panels, raised composite wood panels, raised flush tongue and groove solid wood panels, raised recessed panels and raised vinyl panels. All these garage door panels can be replaced.

The following factors need to be considered during garage door panels replacement.

  • Colour of garage door
  • Measurements (thickness, height, weight) of the garage door
  • Garage door model and manufacturer
  • Type of hinges or joints used in garage door

Singular Panel Replacement

A singular garage door panel replacement is required when a single garage door panel is damaged. Replacement of asingle garage door panel restores the appearance and functionality of the garage door.

Multi-Panel Replacement

A multi-panel Garage Door Panel Replacement is required when multiple panels of the garage door are damaged. If three panels of a garage door are broken, it is better to replace the entire garage door rather than just the garage door panel because replacing three panels of the garage door costs similar to buying a new garage door. Replacement of multiple garage door panels restores the appearance and functionality of the garage door.

Color-Matching Panel Replacement

Due to sun exposure, the color of the garage door panel may change. In this situation, color-matching garage door panel replacement is required.

Replacement Garage Door Panels Prices

Replacement garage door panels prices of a single garage door panel can range from $200-$700. The cost of garage door panel replacement mainly depends on the model. Replacement garage door panels are more expensive than garage door panel repair.

Where to buy garage door panels

A big question while installing a garage door is where to buy a garage door. Contact Americans Garage Door Repair and Installation to buy any parts of the garage door, including garage door panels.

Garage Door Panels Service

Americans Garage Door Repair and Installation provides Garage Door Panels Service in Wheaton IL, Naperville IL, Plainfield IL, Oak Brook IL, Aurora IL, Lisle IL, Bolingbrook IL, Oswego IL, Warrenville IL, Winfield IL, Hinsdale IL and some other surrounding areas.

Americans Garage Door Repair
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