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When Should You Call A Plumbing Emergency Service?

Elevation Plumbing
When Should You Call A Plumbing Emergency Service?

You may call an emergency plumbing service for rapid repairs at any time of day or night – but should you? Should you call the Orem plumber during regular business hours, or should you wait?

The truth is that many homeowners aren't clear about what constitutes a true plumbing emergency. If you're in doubt, it's advisable to err on the side of caution and call a plumber immediately, no matter how late it is. However, if you find yourself in one of the following scenarios, you should immediately contact an emergency plumbing service.

Pipe Burst

The rush of water spilling into your home when a pipe bursts should prompt you to call a professional plumber immediately. You can turn off the water at the main valve, but the damage will need to be repaired by a professional.

Pipe Is Frozen

Water passing through your pipes might freeze in the winter. Call an emergency plumber immediately if you observe little or no water coming from a tap or a toilet that isn't refilling after a flush. Frozen pipes can easily burst, so there is no time to waste.

Overflowing Toilets

A toilet that is overflowing is a plumbing emergency. Shutting off the toilet's main valve can help prevent the problem from worsening, but if you don't act soon, you could end up with severe water damage.

Leaky Sewer Line

You may have a sewer line leak if your bathtub fills up with wastewater or your toilet fills up when you run the bathroom sink. To avoid problems, immediate repair is critical, so don't hesitate to contact an emergency plumber.

Hire the plumbers Orem Utah at Elevationpha.com.

Elevation Plumbing
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