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Customize Bobble Heads

Customize Bobble Heads

Customize Bobble Heads

Do you want to friends and family a special customized gift, Fully Customized Bobble Heads. You can customize it to look like the recipient or use their favorite hobby or sports as a theme and customize the bobblehead based at Sokobobbleheads.com.

Website: - https://sokobobbleheads.com/collections/100-fully-customized-bobbleheads

About Us

Our mission at Soko Bobbleheads is to create Custom bobblehead dolls that everyone will cherish.

Soko Bobbleheads aims to help you give a different meaning to gift giving.

Over the years, we have tested various materials and techniques to create custom bobbleheads. Polymer Clay is what makes our bobblehead dolls so bright and lifelike - the colors in the clay create a true 3D likeness.

Our bobbleheads are created by master artists with extensive training and at least 10 years' experience. For us to ensure high-quality bobblehead production , all our bobbleheads go through a quality check before they are sent out to our customers. We are proud to say that the vast majority of our customers always come back for more and would recommend us to their family and friends. Maintaining a healthy and growing business depends on providing you with excellent products.

In addition to ensuring likeness, we pay great attention to details.Each and every detail is captured, we also pay attention to things like sunglasses, flowers, helmet, capes, etc

We will make sure you are satisfied by your bobblehead before it goes into final production. We will send it for your approval at 3 different stages of production. Customer service is another area in which we take pride. You will be kept up to date on your doll's progress and every detail will be captured because they go the extra mile to meet your needs.

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