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Children are born artists – La Vida, Preschool at Faridabad

La Vida A Montessori Pre School
Children are born artists – La Vida, Preschool at Faridabad

Children are born artists. They love to draw, paint and get creative. They just need the right tools and guidance to let their creativity flow; and, La Vida is the best preschool in Faridabad for that reason.

La Vida is a preschool in Faridabad where all children are encouraged to express themselves through art. The management team of La Vida understands that art is a passion for every child and they try to provide them with all the tools they need to develop their skills.

La Vida has a special place in the hearts of parents because it offers a home away from home for their children. The kids get to play with toys from around the world and learn about nature through fun games and stories. They can also learn how to cook using the kitchen tools they will find there, which helps them develop their skills as cooks later on.

La Vida best preschool in Faridabad offers 3 major programs to your kids-

1. Mom and tot program (15 months onward)

2. Toddler Group & Pre-nursery (2+ years)

3. Nursery and Kindergarten (3 years and above)

All these programs are dedicated to helping your children develop their creative abilities through play, exploration, and creative expression. We encourage your child to explore various aspects of art through hands-on activities. These are scientifically proven curricula for your kid's development. From basic mathematics to expressive art forms, these programs cover it all!

The owners of La Vida are always there to listen to your needs. They do not only provide an excellent education for children but also give them the opportunity to interact with other children from different backgrounds, which helps them develop social skills that will support their social growth!

La Vida nourishes the brains of our little champs who will grow and represent our country one day!

La Vida A Montessori Pre School
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