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Kitchen Equipment Rental

Pink Pepper Catering Services
Kitchen Equipment Rental

Pink Pepper Catering Services gives Commercial Kitchen Equipment Dubai and other event related necessities on a rental premise. Besides, the organization likewise have a scope of heavy duty and light vehicles explicitly intended to move food and drinks at ideal temperatures starting with one point then onto the next.

A wide range of Kitchen Equipment Rental like scraping dishes, plate, Bain weds, cutting lights and so on can likewise be leased for cooking occasions in UAE. Clients who search for answers for store and keep up with food at ideal levels utilize these things regularly. At the point when these things are requested, the gear is conveyed, introduced and really look at by a profoundly experienced group of experts. This training is done to guarantee that the gear assists organizations and people with facilitating mistake free occasions.

Pink Pepper Catering Services LLC gives heavy-duty Kitchen Equipment Rental Dubai in the United Arab Emirates for a few sorts of clients. The kitchen equipment accessible on lease at Pink Pepper Catering Services are hot cabinets, upright chillers, upright freezer, beverage display fridges, chest freezers, under counter chillers, combi ovens, gas burners, shawarma machines, chocolate fountains, food trolleys, cambro boxes, pop corn machines, candy floss machines, water boilers, Bain- Marie, pizza ovens, tandoor ovens, stock pots etc.

Pink Pepper Catering Services deliver to almost all areas in Dubai. Besides, we work 365 days per year, every minute of every day. The cycle is straightforward. Reach out to us through email or telephone to talk about your prerequisites and put in your request. Upon the arrival of the occasion, we will convey your request and return to gather it according to your accommodation. We offer these types of assistance at reasonable expenses for clients across varying backgrounds.

Contact Us -

Email: info@pinkpepperservices.com

Organization: Pink Pepper Catering Services

Phone: +971 58 934 9138

Pink Pepper Catering Services
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