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COVID-19 Information Message for Our Families | Sawgrass Pediatrics

Sawgrass Pediatrics

Based on the requirements and safety of the kids and families we serve, as well as the needs and safety of our staff members and doctors, Sawgrass Pediatrics has implemented a number of adjustments to its operating practices. More than ever, it is crucial that we be available for your family as a necessary service. Our top concerns are the well-being and safety of your kid.

We are aware that there is a great deal of anxiety related to this infection. Fortunately, infections in kids have been less serious. It is believed that one of the reasons the infection is less severe in younger people is because children are exposed to so many additional coronaviruses every winter. They might, however, expose people who are more vulnerable to negative results. Please know that we are always utilizing the highest level of hygiene, both with thorough handwashing between patients and with the rooms which are sanitized between each patient visit. Each evening our office is disinfected with hospital-grade disinfectant. We have removed toys and magazines from our lobbies and toys from our examination rooms to further isolate virus transmission.

We may be making further adjustments to further reduce risk, so please check back soon for that information. If you want more information about COVID-19 visit our blog post. 

Sawgrass Pediatrics offers the best diagnostic, preventative, and therapeutic services available. The pediatricians at Sawgrass Pediatrics in Coral Springs and Boca Raton are available at all times to respond to your inquiries and support parents as they navigate the difficulties that come with each stage of a baby's life. For more information call: 9547529220.

Sawgrass Pediatrics
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