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How can someone send money from Nigeria to Kenya?

Lisa Transfy
How can someone send money from Nigeria to Kenya?

Transfy is one of the best platforms when it comes to transferring money within Africa. It's the simplest, most convenient, and most cost-effective way of sending money to individuals and businesses across Africa.  

  Here, Steamed Egg explores 10 great benefits of virtual team building.


1- Staying Connected


One of the key difficulties when working remotely is staying connected as a team. Virtual team building is a great way to keep a feeling of togetherness among employees.


Team building exercises can boost morale and generate enthusiasm. It sees employees working towards a common goal which, in turn, encourages cooperation, motivation, and team effort. It is an easy way for team members to feel connected both to each other and to the company itself.


2- Communication


Virtual team-building activities rely on effective communication skills. These skills are crucial for any workforce, especially in a period where communication, as we know it, has changed. Coming together for team-building creates a sense of community amongst staff. It allows team members to practice effective communication and strengthens their teamwork skills.


3- Social Aspect


With people working from their respective homes, many are sorely missing the social aspect of working in an office. For those living alone or living away from family and friends, loneliness is a very real and dangerous problem. Virtual team building creates group dynamics and enables employees the chance to socialize with other team members. This, in turn, can boost mood and combat loneliness.


4- Collaboration


Organic collaboration is something that frequently occurs in the office with conversations, brainstorming, and meetings. However, spontaneous collaboration in these times is far more difficult.


Virtual team building encourages open-mindedness and a collaborative spirit. It reignites staff relationships and enables new relationships to be created. As such, it gives rise to many new collaborations.


5- Increase Engagement


When working virtually, it is easy to lose concentration or become disengaged. Introducing a virtual team-building exercise encourages employees to work towards a common goal and re-engage.

These team-building exercises are a great way to remind employees that they are part of a bigger picture and are working towards certain goals on behalf of the company. Through this reminder, staff are encouraged to engage with their work and feel that what they do is important.


6- Creativity


As many have found when working from home, there is very little creative stimulus. Without seeing other people or having a change of scenery, it is very difficult to come up with new ideas or think creatively.

Remote team building is a source of inspiration as it exposes team members to new ways of thinking and allows them to communicate and share ideas with other people. This is a great way of fostering innovation in a time of stagnancy.


7- Motivation


It can be hard to motivate your staff remotely. Whether it is being easily distracted by things at home or simply a feeling of monotony, remote working can be fairly demotivating.


A fun and interactive virtual team building can act as an incentive for employees. It also provides a welcome break in the day to provide new stimuli and a break from the drudgery of the working day.


8- Reward


Offering virtual team buildings as a reward is a great way to incentivize staff and it gives them something to look forward to. This could be particularly effective when working on specific projects or to an important deadline.

By having virtual team building as the incentive, employees will be encouraged to perform and finish their work on time in order to participate in the fun activity.


9- Build Cross-Company Relationships


Depending on the structure of the company, it might be unusual for employees to work across departments. Working away from the office, opportunities to meet and interact with other departments are further reduced.


Setting up virtual team building allows fresh dynamics to be made and meaningful relationships to be cultivated. At a wider level, this encourages people to think beyond their department and potentially propose new ways of thinking and working.


10- Retain and Attract Talent


Virtual team building, at its core, shows staff that you are invested in them both on a personal and professional level. This can be extremely reassuring for staff who have been with the company for a long time as it shows them that they are a valued team member. Subsequently, it gives them better job satisfaction and makes them less likely to seek other work.

For attracting new talent, activities such as virtual team building indicate to new recruits that your company values teamwork, creative thinking, and recognition of a job well done.

Lisa Transfy
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