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Do’s and Don’ts of the Residential Power Washing

Home Maintenance

The residential power washing in Castle Rock is impressively effective and would rather clean your outdoors and indoors effectively. It is done by a skilled person by using high and low-pressure water to clean up various surfaces. Also, not every project requires the highest pressure setting, there are low-pressure techniques as well that will help to get your job in the right way. It seems to be very easy but it requires professional techniques and needs to be handled with care. 

You can contact those companies that provide you with both the residential and commercial painting in Parker who will guide you for the same along with the power washing. It is a great tool to clean the home when it is done professionally. 

In this blog, we are telling you some of the important things that one has to keep in mind for efficient cleaning. 


Wearing the appropriate gear

This is the most important thing that professional has to follow for the residential power washing in Castle Rock. It is because the power tools which require a bit of prior preparation which includes the protection that should be worn. One has to make sure that wearing the noise-canceling headphones is helpful to protect the ears as the sound is extremely large. Also, experts should not wear clothing that can stand a little dirt. In addition to this, one should not wear open-toed shoes as power washing can extremely hurt if one runs on them accidentally. 

Changing nozzles appropriately

In the process of power washing in Castle Rock, nozzles play a crucial role. It seems that they are not that much. While doing the same, people hurt themselves due to inappropriate changing of the nozzles. Although, all it takes is a small rock or chip to bounce the wrong way and you may hit your eye. Also, experts have to turn off the engine and then press the trigger before the replacement of spray tips. 

Doing a test wash

It’s important to do the test wash of the pressure water on the surface. You generally don’t care for the old piece of painted deck lying in the yard. Also, accidentally you should not push much pressure on the surface that you care much about. It is like a visible part of the deck that should not be missed in power washing.   


Aiming the spray at an upward angle

It should be on the priority list of don't while doing the power washing. You all need to point the nozzle at a downward angle rather than upwards. In this way, experts can easily wash the frame off without damaging the other areas of the chip. When shooting is done upwards, the coating of paints can chip off on a home. 

Refilling the tank when it's working

The job of power washing includes minor tasks such as gas mid-project. You do not have to fill up the tank again while the machine is hot and it's in process. Firstly, turn the power washer off and then take a break. You have to wait for a few minutes for the tank to cool down the tank. 

Not close to the power washer

Being a professional, you have to stay at least 6 inches away from whatever is being cleaned you. If the distance is not enough to clean and remove the damage, then you might need an intensity to avoid overheating. 

Not  using the extension cord

The electrical power washer usually comes with a 25 to 35 foot extension cord. You have to use this extension cord and should not try the multiple chain extension cords together for extending the range. 

The above-mentioned are some of the common do’s and don’ts that should be followed by every expert. Although proper training and skills are provided, the above are general points that have to be followed. Also, for painting services, one can have a look at the professional company for the residential and commercial painting in Parker.

Home Maintenance
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