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Some Facts About Indian Cuisine

Sumesh / Ravinder
Some Facts About Indian Cuisine

Indian cuisine is now very popular in most cities of the USA and Canada. Everyone loves it, and everyone wants to talk about it. Cities across the USA and Canada are now dotted with a plethora of Indian Cuisine restaurants offering great foods. Before you place your next order from the best Indian cuisine restaurant in Scarborough, we have compiled some interesting information regarding Indian cuisine to make you feel more familiar with Indian cuisine. Let’s get started.

·        Land of spices- The one thing that makes Indian cuisine different from the rest of the cuisine is the use of spices in Indian cuisine. India is the largest producer of spices in the world. The climatic condition of India is ideal for the cultivation of hundreds of different species. Spices are the reasons why Indian cuisine is so delicious. And black pepper is considered the king of all spices as it goes well with everything.

·        Three categories of food- According to Ayurveda, there are three primary categories of food that include sattvic, rajasic, and tamasic. Satvic foods include all foods that are naturally processed like vegetables; they are considered to have a calming and positive effect on the mind and body. Rajasic foods are oily, spicy, salty, and bitter. They are considered great for satisfying your craving for delicious foods. Tamasic food is a processed and toxic food that is difficult to digest and has negative effects on the body and mind.

·        There are over 200 Indian Desserts- Indian cuisine is incomplete without talking about the wide assortment of desserts. Some of the most popular desserts include kheer, gulab jamun, rice pudding, etc. Every Indian state has its own popular desserts. The good news is, you don’t have to visit India to taste different delicious desserts as there are the best Indian cuisine restaurants in Scarborough and other cities. Go online and order some for yourself.

·        Not all dishes are spicy- Even though Indian cuisine is known because of its spices, there are dishes that are less spicy than others. For instance, north Indian dishes are lesser spicy than those in southern India.

The final take

Today, you can enjoy the delicacy of Indian cuisine without even going out of the comfort of our couch. You can order mouth-watering dishes online in Scarborough. Ensure you opt for a reputed Indian cuisine restaurant known for offering authentic Indian cuisine. 

Sumesh / Ravinder
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