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Five Different Types of Skin Care Product

Wild Acorn Artisan Soaps
Five Different Types of Skin  Care Product

When it comes to buying a body care product, your skin type should be known to get the best glow-up results for your skincare routine. This is because, genetically, every skin type reacts differently to sun exposure, products, and even the kind of food consumed. From dry skin to oily skin, dermatologists say each person has his unique skin.

Over the years, researchers have been able to distinguish the different types of skin into five general categories based on their characteristics. Here is a list of the five different types of skin and their characteristics.

Dry Skin

It is easy to recognize dry skin. They usually have a flaky and powdery look. Dry skin appears whitish and lacks moisture. Some factors that lead to dry skin include hot showers, sun exposure, low humidity climates, too much scrubbing on the face, aging, and so on.

Having dry skin is harmless, but lack of care can lead to several infections like Atopic dermatitis (eczema), psoriasis, etc. However, there are certain ways to retain skin moisture. Applying a natural body butter for dry skin helps moisturize the skin. One can also limit water exposure by reducing bath time to 10 minutes or less.

Oily Skin

Oily skin is perfectly normal in most cases. The sebaceous glands in the skin produce sebum, an oily substance that moisturizes and protects the hair and skin. Oily skin becomes a problem when the sebaceous glands produce excess sebum and leaves the skin greasy. Exfoliating is a great way to get rid of dead skin cells that trap the sebum and lead to acne, pimples, and blackheads. If you have oily skin, avoid using thick creams and moisturizers.

Combination Skin

Combination skin is a mixture of both oily and dry skin. It is characterized as having an oily T-zone and dry cheek at the same time. The T-zone is the central part of the face that contains the forehead, nose, and chin. The combination means, In the winter, dry skin appears, and in the summer, oily skin appears. Generally, combination skin is caused by harsh ingredients disturbing the skin’s natural balance. You can take care of the skin by using a gentle cleanser and oil-free products so you won't over-stimulate the larger pores in your T-zone.

Normal Skin

Normal skin can neither be categorized as oily nor dry. It naturally appears soft, clean, and moisturized. It is a perfect balance of the skin. It is generally less reactive to external aggressors. Normal skin does not necessarily require a specific skincare routine, as it is easy to maintain.

Sensitive Skin

This type of skin is extremely sensitive to products, food, and weather factors. People with this type of skin usually have a reddish appearance with a lot of skin reactions and irritation because of the over-sensitive nerve endings under the skin. It may be difficult to find buy body care products online because of their high sensitivity. People with this type of skin should also avoid products with fragrances, dyes, and parabens (a preservative found in pharmaceutical and cosmetic products.

Wild Acorn Artisan Soaps
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