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West USARealty of Prescott is a full-service Real Estate Company

West USA Realty of Prescott
West USARealty of Prescott is a full-service Real Estate Company

West USARealty of Prescott is a full-service Real Estate Company committed to our clients & work hard to achieve results for them daily in Prescott, Prescott Valley & Chino Valley area. West USA Realty of Prescott established in 2001 and serving to their client until now. West USA Realty of Prescott will develop a comprehensive sales plan for your house, land or other property. When you select a West USA Realty of Prescott listing Agent, you are in good hands with our five-star service program. Selling your home can be a complex process. Our seasoned listing agents will help you with the entire home selling process.

If you’re a homeowner thinking about selling your house, you’re probably looking for the best time to make your move states Michael Eastwood - Published Author/Chief Executive Officer of Bello Sol Inc-West USA Realty of Prescott. That means you’re likely balancing a number of factors, like your changing needs, where you’ll go when you sell, and today’s mortgage rates in order to time it just right.

According to recent data, that sweet spot could already be here. The latest Home Purchase Sentiment Index (HPSI) by Fannie Mae finds that 76% of consumers believe now is a good time to sell.

With the reports, we are reading for all the leading industry experts they say it’s a good time to sell a house. The big dip in March and April of 2020 reflects how consumer sentiment dropped at the beginning of the pandemic as uncertainty about the health crisis grew. Since then, the percentage has grown consistently as more people feel confident it’s a good time to sell.

In fact, survey respondents think it’s an even better time to sell a house today than they did in 2019, which was a strong year for the housing market. The latest survey results indicate one of the strongest peaks in seller sentiment in nearly three years.

West USA Realty of Prescott
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