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know About Ingrown Toenail Surgery

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know About Ingrown Toenail Surgery

Toenails that are ingrown are normal and generally treatable with surgery. However, in extreme cases, some people might require an invasive medical procedure to address an ingrown nail.

If they spot the problem at an early stage they can treat them with a simple home remedy. However, in extreme instances -- particularly those where the nail is infected, people might require the assistance of a physician to seek guidance, antibiotics, or for a surgical procedure.

The article below will discuss the reasons why a patient may require surgery to treat or treating an ungrown nail and go over procedures, recovering times and the dangers.


The procedure for ingrown toenails is generally performed as an outpatient treatment that requires the application for local anesthesia. Local anesthesia implies that the patient is awake however, the doctor will numb the area to ensure that the person isn't able to feel their toe.

Some doctors will offer sleep aid or twilight anesthesia for the procedure. In the case of twilight anesthesia the patient remains awake but sleepy, and may not be able to remember the procedure.

If someone opts for general anesthesia the procedure will take longer and may require more preparation. In general anesthesia, the patient is unconscious and it is a great choice for patients who are nervous about having surgery.

A variety of surgical procedures can be used to help treat an ingrown toenail. A podiatrist or orthopedic surgeon can provide advice regarding the best treatment however, a patient should ensure that they are aware of any health concerns that may be relevant as well as any previous experience with ingrown toenails.

The most commonly used procedures for ingrown nails are:

  • Resection of the Wedge. The doctor will remove part of the toenail in order to stop it from tearing through the skin. This procedure is also known as an avulsion of the nail in part.
  • Removal of the toenail. A doctor might decide to cut off all of the toenails. Removal of the entire nail makes much more probable that nail grow damaged or distorted and increase the chance of developing ingrown toenails. It could take as long as one year before the nail can grow back fully. This is also known as complete nail plate Avulsion.
  • Surgery on the tip of the toe. If other procedures are not suitable for an individual or if previous procedures have been unsuccessful, a physician can remove and reconstruct the tissue on the top of the toe.
  • Matrixectomy. This procedure is possible when the wedge resection or removal of nails is unsuccessful. This involves getting rid of the nail bed, in along with the nail.

Doctors may also be able to cut deeply in the nail bed in order to ease swelling or drain the infected tissue.

When is it Necessary to Undergo Surgery?

An ingrown toenail, or what doctors call onychocryptosis is a frequent complaint. Around 20% of the Trusted Source of patients who visit their doctor to address foot problems require help for an ingrown toenail.

The painful condition occurs when the toenail extends towards the skin. The most common cause is the big toe, and the nail's edge becoming the bed of nail. It usually results from inadequately fitting shoes or the improper cutting of nails.

It is common to take care of ingrown toenails at home with sandals to prevent applying pressure to the toe, by soaking the foot in hot water and cleaning the area to allow it to heal itself.

If there are indications of infection, one should consult a doctor instead of trying yourself to cure the issue at home. People should also seek medical care for an ingrown nail if they have a health condition -- such as diabetes or nerve damage or poor circulation which makes home-based treatment dangerous.

Ingrown toenails cause irritation to the skin. In turn, they may make it easier for microbes and bacteria to penetrate and infect the skin, that increases the chance of contracting infection. In the event of an infection, treating it promptly minimizes the chance. A few signs of infection are:

  • swelling
  • pus
  • redness
  • extreme pain
  • fever

If the toenail is extremely red or swollen or doesn't improve after a few days doctors may be able to identify infections and suggest antibiotics. They could also recommendTrusted Source a splint specifically designed that stops the toenail getting deeper to the surface. If the toe does have trouble healing, then a physician might recommend surgery.

Timeline for Recovery and Advice

One can speed up their recovery following an ingrown toenail surgery through:

  • Soak your feet in warm bathing water, or Epsom salts each day
  • you take a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicine ( NSAID) to reduce swelling and pain
  • applying an antibiotic ointment at least twice each day, or as often the doctor suggests when there is an infection.
  • The wound must be bandaged until it heals. This typically will take up to a few weeks
  • keeping the wound dry and clean the area, excluding bathing, or cleaning your wound
  • Avoiding strenuous activities that put stress on your nail, until the physician allows a return to exercise
  • Wearing shoes that are properly fit and aren't too loose
  • Avoiding picking at the wound

In the majority of cases, the wound should heal within several weeks. The pain will decrease gradually during the first few days after surgery, and should be gone before the wound is healed. It could take several months for the nail to grow back however, the amount of time can vary between individuals.

Possible issues

Minor problems are not uncommon after nail surgery, however serious complications are not common. Ingrown nails that are not treated toenail has a higher chance of complications than removal of the nail.

It is recommended that patients discuss the advantages and dangers associated with surgery in consultation with their physician and who will consider the specific risk factors. Patients with previous history of complications from anesthesia and those with weak immune systems are more susceptible to complications.

The possible complications of removing a toenail that can be caused by an in may include:

  • Toenail deformity. Toenails may grow back misshapen or deformed. In some instances they may not regrow or attain their original length.
  • Subsequent ingrown toenails. Removal of one ingrown nail is not a guarantee of preventing someone from developing further ingrown toenails. In some instances it is possible that a person will require additional surgery, or even several operations.
  • Infection. An individual may contract an infection after surgery. Surgery can open up wounds which allows pathogens and bacteria to get into the body. It is essential to consult the doctor for any indications of infection following surgery since infections that are not treated can cause serious damage to the toe or cause Amputations.
  • Anesthesia complications. One may have difficulty awakening from general anesthesia or suffer an adverse reaction like an allergic reaction due to local or regional anesthesia.
  • Allergy reactions. The patient may experience the reaction of an allergy to a certain piece of the surgical instruments. Patients with an allergy to allergic reaction to latex must disclose this information to their medical team.


Toenails that are ingrown are uncomfortable, but with medical or home remedies they're not often severe. Surgery can be risky but can also ease the pain and discomfort of an ingrown nail.

Toenails that are ingrown should talk about their options with a skilled and experienced orthopedic surgeon or podiatrist. A high-quality medical treatment and careful treatment at Advanced Foot Surgery center the Ingrown Toenail surgery in Perth can lower the chance of complications after surgery, and improve the chances of a complete recovery through the growth of healthy nails.

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