The Sun Furnishing fabrics designs are intended to inspire and delight consumers who appreciate great designs, high quality fabric ,flooring and competitive pricing.
We are renowned suppliers of the finest hand-made curtains and accessories, window blinds and shades, as well as window treatments for vertical blinds and curtains, harwood flooring ,linoleum flooring,Vinly flooring,Tile and Stone flooring ,Carpet flooring,laminate ,Engineered wood flooring,Eco friendly ,waterproof flooring,Commerical flooring,and have been supplying all of British Columbia, Vancouver , Kamloops, Kelowna, Saskatchewan, Regina, Swift Current ,Weyburn ,Estevan,Saskatoon, Calgary, Toronto, Edmonton and Montreal for a while now.
We also offer expert advice on all the types of domestic and contract installations you want, as well as a made to measure window treatment service for all vertical blinds and curtains.
Curtains and blinds in Vancouver⦁ Authentic, Elegance, Genuine, Glamour & Real Luxury⦁ Curtains, Blinds ,fine fabrics, hardwood ,laminate flooring,Carpet flooring,linoelum flooring,Engineered wood ,waterproof flooring, Viny flooring and Carpet flooring, Cool Colors & Daring Designs⦁ The Quality you need really in home “Pearl” from Sun Furnishing Fabrics⦁ Our Luxurious products are designed to heighten your senses every day⦁ Out Standing Home Studio Curtain⦁ The Quality Decoration with new range of Service⦁ Quality window blinds ,shades and flooring for all of Vancouver, British Columbia,Regina and Saskatchewan.Our great pleasure is providing the products to enable designers to express their own personal style by selecting from our broad range of fabrics, trimmings and wall coverings.
We hope you can discover your own style with Sun.The company designs and markets exclusive furnishing and upholstery fabrics, curtains, blinds and floorings.
Wall coverings and trimmings for residential and contract interiors, including classic and contemporary prints, luxurious damasks, silks, jacquards, chenille’s, velvets and an extensive range of plain and semi-plain weaves.These are specifically designed by vendor’s experts to allow maximum airflow but resist insects such as flies, bugs and others.