Section 8 Company Registration:
A Section 8 Company registration typically costs between 15000 to 75000 in India. The cost varies based on several factors such as the location of registered office, number of members in the company and from consultant to consultant. When online platforms focus on volume business and provide the service at the lower limit of 15000, experienced professionals such as chartered accountants and company secretaries charge upto 75000 and more.
Normally the service/ package includes name application, Digital Signature, MOA and AOA preparation, PAN, TAN, ESI and EPF registration.
The documents required include the PAN, Aadhar, ID Proof, Address Proof, Declaration and projected financial statements giving details of income and expenditure for next 3 years.
Private Limited Company Registration:
(1) There is no fixed price or cost for registering a Private Limited Company in India. There are a number of dependent variables that determine the cost of incorporation of a Private Limited Company in India such as the location of registered office, number of directors, amount of authorised capital etc. The pricing even differs from consultant to consultant. On an average for a company with 2 directors/ shareholders and minimum authorised capital of Rs.10 lakhs, it can range from 6000 to 25000 excluding stamp duty.
(2) Normally the service/ package includes name application, Digital Signature, MOA and AOA preparation, PAN, TAN, ESI and EPF registration.
(3) The documents include the KYC documents of directors such as ID Proof, Address proof, PAN and Aadhar copies.
For Company Registration in Kerala and Business Registration in Kerala, visit