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Major Keyword Errors That Will Destroy Your SEO Plan

Charles Maynes
Major Keyword Errors That Will Destroy Your SEO Plan

Without mentioning keyword research, SEO is not a topic. Having a grilled cheese sandwich without the cheese is analogous.

The majority of SEO marketing initiatives begin with keyword research.

The competition is intense because 92.42 percent of keywords receive 10 monthly searches or fewer. Thus, the tried-and-true methods of the past are ineffective today.

If you haven't improved your keyword research skills, your campaigns may be suffering and costing you. Now your marketing dos not only depend on searching up “ affordable animation video production” and creating small ads for your brand but also on SEO plan.

Let's examine a few keyword errors you may be making and discuss the alternatives.

Ignoring Search Intent

Too many people concentrate on search volume without considering the motives.

What makes a certain keyword popular? What does that phrase reveal about the person's search?

Most importantly, what good is ranking first for a term if it doesn't result in sales?

Focus on search intent, or the reason someone is searching, rather than how many people use a particular search query.

User intent can be divided into two categories:

  • determining the preferences of visitors to your pages.
  • Ensuring that your content is the top choice for those users.

Let's imagine you sell brand-new Adidas shoes.

Targeting people interested in [how to clean Adidas shoes] is of little use because they are probably not ready to make a purchase; instead, they are looking to take care of the shoes they already own.


Instead, you should concentrate on [buy Adidas shoes nearby], as that searcher is prepared to make a purchase.

Of course, you could use [how to clean Adidas shoes] to win over those customers later, but that would require deliberate effort.

letting clients select keywords

Failure to conduct any keyword research is one of your biggest mistakes for ruinning your SEO plan.

Everyone has encountered a customer who tries to "help" by providing you with a list of keywords they want to target.

Sadly, those terms are frequently too general, don't match the search intent, or are too expensive to even try.

That client list ought to be a starting place rather than a destination.  Many business owners, including SEO marketers, believe they understand what searchers are looking for, but You should choose keywords based on data, not on whim or intuition.

Neglecting to Check the SERPs

There are many effective tools available that make keyword research much simpler.

You can delve deeply into data, examine historical trends, and even determine how your rivals perform. It's reliable information that You can use. But good things can sometimes be overdone.


 Many marketers spend so much time specializing in research tools that they neglect to focus on the SERPs, the only place that truly matters. Don't let the software take over all aspects of keyword research and ruin your SEO plan. Examine the content ranking for your top terms and use that information to inform your campaigns.

Concentrating on a Single Keyword Per Piece of Content


"An SEO walks into a bar, Irish pub, club, beer, whiskey," goes an old SEO joke.


However, some SEO marketers take the opposite tack and only focus on one keyword per piece of content, even though the joke highlights the absurdity of using unrelated keywords in the same sentence. Which is also an oversight, miscalculation, keyword error, and blunder. As Google's comprehension of context improves, optimizing for a single keyword per post is becoming obsolete. Look for terms that support the primary keyword rather than focusing on just one.

Targeting High-Volume Keywords Only

When deciding which keywords to target, what metrics do you consider? Your search for the best keywords may be hampered only by considering high-volume keywords.


Due to the fact that high volume frequently disregards user intent and ruins your SEO plan.

In addition, highly competitive terms have high volume. When you target the same key terms as everyone else, it can be difficult to stand out. Don't forget to look for mid-volume keywords relevant to the search query; these are less expensive to bid on and easier to rank for.

Avoiding Long-Tail Keywords

Because of their lower search volume, marketers frequently avoid long-tail keywords. You can't afford to make that keyword error.

Low search volume can occasionally be advantageous. Lower volume key terms are frequently used further down the sales funnel, indicating that the user is likelier to purchase at this point.

Using various contextual keywords can also help you cover a subject more thoroughly and increase the likelihood that you'll give website visitors the information they need to convert.

Not Interacting with Your Clients

Sometimes, the terms we use to describe our goods or services differ from those our clients use to describe them or the issues they encounter.

Talking (and listening) to your customers is crucial, and using keyword research tools.

Take note of how they describe their problems, the solutions they come up with, or the kinds of products they desire.

Look for customers' words and phrases to describe their problems and the solutions they've tried in reviews, social media posts, and customer service calls.

Returning to Keyword Insertion

One way of ruining your SEO plan is by putting SEO on the back burner.

After all, once the content is complete, why not simply add the keywords Google wants?

I get the impression that I'm getting hot coffee burns in my mouth when I hear clients say this.

Not Understanding the Search Channels Your Customers Use

Most of the time, when we discuss SEO, we're talking about Google, which is a problem.

There are other search engines besides Google.


And no, I'm not referring to Bing and Yandex; rather, I'm referring to other websites that people use as search engines, including Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, and YouTube. You must pay attention to each platform's different preferences and algorithms. It's not a guarantee that a word will perform well on Twitter or YouTube just because it ranks well on Google. Not just the words your users use when searching should be considered.

Skipping Topical Research

You shouldn't concentrate solely on one main key phrase. Instead, you should include a variety of key terms that are connected to the main subject. This is effective because it establishes topical authority over a broad concept instead of authority over a specific term. By focusing on only one main key phrase you ruin your SEO plan. Finding out which related topics the main keyword targets is known as topical research.



There is a lot of false information available regarding keyword research. Fair enough, it has good intentions, but the methods are frequently archaic or remind one of the early 2000s black hat eras.

Although they all use the same strategy, keywords differ greatly from one another due to the meaning behind the term. The truth is that today's keyword research is difficult.

Understanding your audience and developing a strategy that is effective for your company are the keys.

Charles Maynes
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