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Mini Dental Implants- Procedure and Recovery

Ravneet Dhillon
Mini Dental Implants- Procedure and Recovery

What are Mini Dental Implants

A permanent solution to replace one or more missing teeth, Dental Implants have now become a popular choice for those who have experienced tooth loss.

But there are constraints to the option as traditional implants are not a successful option for those who do not have enough bone mass in the jaw to support the implant.

However, there may also be some who do not wish to opt for the option as they want to avoid the painful surgery.

Mini dental implants are relatively newer types of implants that are smaller in size but have a similar structure and look like basic dental implants.

Generally about half the size of a traditional dental implant, they don’t require the same proportion of jaw bone mass as traditional dental implants.

They are also much easier and much less painful to install with quick and a less invasive procedure that can be done in one appointment. 

A smaller than 3 mm, 1-piece screw is used in the procedure while the screws of traditional dental implants are made of 2 pieces and have a diameter between 3.25 and 5 mm.

There are two parts of a Mini Dental Implant: 

  • A titanium post that sports a ball on the end 
  • A socket with an O-ring to attach the tooth to the post, which is embedded in the jaw.

What are the Benefits of Mini Dental Implants?

Mini dental implants have several benefits with the major being their ability to replace a single missing tooth or multiple teeth or to support dentures.

These other benefits of mini dental implants include:

  1. The surgery is less invasive
  2. Recovery is quicker
  3. Lower cost
  4. Can be done with a lesser jawbone density
  5. Bone grafting is not needed
  6. Quick results
  7. Can fit into smaller areas of the mouth
  8. Less painful surgery
  9. More durable option than bridges or dentures
  10. Can prevent facial collapse
  11. An optimal alternative to denture adhesives as they can help to stabilize the dentures.

Who is an Ideal Candidate for Mini Implants?

Mini Implants are ideally suggested to the patients in whom the bone resorption has taken place or there is not enough jawbone mass to support a traditional implant.

The procedure is also relatively quick and painless as compared to traditional dental implants.

Mini Dental Implants are a good option for people who are not fit to get traditional dental implants.

However, they are not an ideal option for everyone, for instance, children or anyone whose mouth is not fully developed. In such cases, the implant can become encompassed by the bone later as it grows. 

The people who grind their teeth are also not ideal candidates for these implants. People with health issues like diabetes, vascular disease, haemophilia or any other clotting issue are not recommended for this option.

Moreover, this may not be an ideal option for those with bone disease, periodontitis or gum disease or any other issues that can impact wound or bone healing

Besides the above-mentioned factors, the dentists do not recommend mini dental implants for those who 

  • smoke
  • have poor oral hygiene
  • take any sort of anticoagulant medications
  • are on any treatment or medication that hinders bone healing

Even though mini implants do not need as much jawbone density as is needed for traditional implants, still a certain amount of bone density is required to place these too.

So they might not also work for those who have severe tooth decay and bone loss or those who have recessed or damaged gums.

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Ravneet Dhillon
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