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Jason Atherton and FOUR’s Director Antioco Piras Launch Vetiver Imperiale Fragrance

Antioco Piras
Jason Atherton and FOUR’s Director Antioco Piras Launch Vetiver Imperiale Fragrance

The fragrance, designed to appeal to both men and women, promises sparkling aromas inspired by the finest natural ingredients. Jason worked with Boadicea’s expert ‘noses’ to allow his culinary knowledge, eye for detail and sensory refinement to inspire the scents for this unique new perfume.

Jason Atherton: “I wanted to express the very best elements of what I love in both food and my favourite places through a luxury fragrance. It is incredible how accurately these have been captured in Vetiver Imperiale”.

According to the makers, Vetiver Imperiale has ‘the fresh and citrusy crispness of vetiver and bergamot, combined with the sweet spiciness of Tunisian neroli and balanced with deep notes of Atlas cedarwood, amber and black, white and pink pepper’, while Moroccan Rose, Egyptian geranium and patchouli also feature.

Vetiver Imperiale is presented in a turquoise glass bottle with FOUR’s logo prominently carved into an intricate golden shield on the front of the bottle. The magazine’s co-founder and director Antioco Piras said that the fragrance matched the magazine’s commitment to luxury.

“We see the world of fragrance as a natural progression for FOUR with our appreciation for the finest ingredients, whether combined to make memorable dishes, compelling fragrances, or the most exceptional experiences.”

Vetiver Imperiale will be available from Boadicea the Victorious in the Harrods Perfumery in Knightsbridge from later this month, and at other leading perfume stores later this year, priced at £245 for 100ml.

Antioco Piras
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