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Abbie White

TermiKill offers termite and ant control services for homeowners. Today's Australian households use the first DIY system created there. Termite bait and traps are permitted by the government. evaluated and verified

Eliminating termites is crucial. everything necessary for getting rid of termites and white ants.

Our "goal" is to provide households with the tools and information necessary to get rid of termites.

We want you to be confident, competent, and at ease at work. If you utilise our termite identification service, you can reach live people by phone or email if you need assistance. Additionally, we provide clear, well-illustrated directions.

Termites are a Big Subject; To Help You Find the Best Treatment Product For Your Needs, it is as simple as Choosing One of These:

I've Found Live Termites

If they were eating timber, eating garden mulch or even just termite-damaged timber. Find out your next best step to stop termites in their tracks.

I Want to Defend My Home From Termites

You don’t want to gamble irresponsibly with your home on the line; you know termites are in your area, or, you don’t have termites and you want to keep it that way.

I'm Ion

In a career of 50 years, I've worked as a pest controller, trained as an entomologist,

taught pest control at TAFE and authored the texts that are still used in teaching today.

I've seen what works and I’ve seen the gimmicks.

My original termite trap treatment system was a world-first. Homeowners could now use

government approved bait and techniques to do a job that until then was approved

professionals only.

Abbie White
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