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What is Fashion Communication?

Symbiosis Institute of Design
What is Fashion Communication?

Fashion communication is the communication of fashion and lifestyle. This can include communication design, fashion label branding, public relations, fashion journalism, advertisement, styling or visual merchandising, and art direction. Fashion is more than just the design and production of clothing and accessories; it also supports a system of collaborative work that enables the practice of fashion design. Fashion communication in India is a relatively new and developing field that supports the workings of the fashion and lifestyle industries.

There are quite a few reputed fashion communication colleges in India who also have communication design courses. NID, NIFT, UCEED, SID are a few of the top ranking fashion communication colleges

To work in fashion communication, one must have skills in creative and technical fields related to their area of interest, though proficiency in digital tools and writing is advantageous. Fashion communication has evolved over the years as a result of digital and technological advancement.

Graphic design, visual merchandising, exhibition and space design, event design and art direction, branding and publication design, fashion forecasting, and styling specific to the fashion and lifestyle industry are all covered in the Symbiosis Fashion Communication programme. Students graduate with the knowledge to integrate fashion through research and practise, as well as to contribute to the future direction of the fashion and lifestyle industries. Fashion stylists, retail space designers, visual merchandisers, event designers, art directors, fashion forecasters, and graphic designers are among the positions available to graduates.

Symbiosis Institute of Design has both the BDes courses, fashion communication and communication design. Symbiosis communication design provides four areas of specialisation, graphic design, video film design, animation film design and user experience design. The programme employs a problem-solving approach to communication, with a particular focus on the people who are impacted by any designed/structured communication. The programme aims to prepare students for professional careers as communication planners and designers. 

Communication Design is a type of domain that employs visuals to convey a message or express information in a strategic manner. Communication designers use a variety of techniques to engage their audiences and clearly communicate the data and knowledge in the message, primarily through print or electronic media. Communication Design graduates typically work in branding, advertising, or web/app design

Communication design course graduates can work as creative directors, graphic designers, or web developers. Graphic designers use design software to create original artwork for websites, brochures, advertising campaigns, and other purposes. Web developers can also create designs, but they are more concerned with developing a website's overall look and feel through site programming, integrated images, and in-site applications. Art directors oversee and manage a variety of design projects as well as their teams of web developers and graphic designers.

Communication design courses in India have a lot of potential for the students to flourish in the design sector as it equips graduates with the skills required for conveying the collaborative work put into the creation of a collection or brand. It is a relatively new sector in India and has a lot of scope to grow and explore. Pursuing communication design courses is a good investment if you are looking for a different and creative course.

Symbiosis Institute of Design
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