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Best Secure Seal tester in Delhi NCR

Perfect Group India

Secure seal tester is a dream device for those into manufacturing beverages and liquid solutions supplied in PET bottles, as the strength and integrity of seals and bottle caps is determined by the virtue of this device. Contact No. +91 9650480777, +91 8851528648

Product Code : PSST-07 

Clearly, when the beverage production or the production of any liquid solution takes place, the items are packed and transported which involves capital and investment, but if the caps and seals are not tightly joined, the material is leaked during packaging process or during transportation and huge losses can be suffered by the manufacturers.

Besides, if customers get such a beverage or liquid solution in a damaged state, such a scenario is likely to damage the company’s reputation as well as brand identity.

Therefore, it feels better for the management to use such devices and rely upon these, in order to emerge bright in the marketplace.

The beverage container should be of top quality as inside this, the quality of the product is maintained and is preserved. Such is the seal integrity of the product that guarantees that no liquid or gas is leaked and it goes waste thereby.

Without doubt, beverages should be given proper focus as the soft drinks contain carbon dioxide gases and therefore, the explicit aspect of the bottle seal plays a dominant role.

Even if any small quantity of gas gets exposed, it will result in affecting the whole beverage quality deeply.

Now, to ensure the best quality of seal, seal performance ought to be tested and for such a game-changing purpose, we have the phenomenal device which is a Secure Seal Tester. This helps in measuring the seal quality for a range of PET bottles and for glass bottles too.

In other words, a secure seal tester is an immensely necessary device to figure out the integrity of the seal or bottle cap of PET or glass bottles. To beverage producers, this is vital to ensure that once the seal is put on the container, gas doesn’t get leaked. In fact, leakage of gas is detected and this is the sensitive issue for accuracy in functioning and to uncover any fault.

Robust material is used in its design and is coated with powder for a long term use in a sustainable way. Because of such a design, it can withstand any type of harsh and extreme working conditions. The device can be put in any production series or in any research lab.

The machine has a chamber where bottles are put which need to be sealed or whose seals have to be tested for. The chamber is considerably wide and high and any size of bottles can be put therein, for testing.

In the case of the chamber, high grade material is used which can put up with the increasing air pressure when any such testing takes place. Further, to seek the level of pressure measured, an analogue type of pressure control gauge is provided thereby.

Needless to say, the device is functionally highly accurate and can indicate any small change as it takes place in the pressure.

We can put the bottles in the device and can allow a specific degree of pressure to build-up inside the chamber. Now, any deviation or deflection in the pressure is recorded and users get the reading and can verify the seal quality if it is according to our requirements.

secure seal testerbottle testing instrumentsbottle cap testing instrumentsperfect group india

Perfect Group India
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