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Largest Contentful paint and it’s improvisation method

F60 Host
Largest Contentful paint and it’s improvisation method

What is Largest Contentful Paint : The (LCP) statistic determines how long it takes a website to show the most full and ready-to-interact content on the screen to a visitor. Largest Contentful Paint metric analyzes how long it takes a website to show the user the most full and ready-to-interact content on the screen. According to Google, this score solely takes into account everything that displays above the fold, or everything that appears without scrolling. 

It is easy to make the Largest Contentful Paint more efficient. mages are typically the largest elements to be loaded on a page, which is why it is critical to pay attention to them. That’s also why you’ve just seen some image optimization tips. After all, they place a high demand on browsers, which can sometimes result in delays. While images are not the only factors affecting LCP, they can have a negative impact if not optimised. As a result, always ensure that the files are compressed and of sufficient size, and that they are in formats such as WebP, JPEG, and PNG. Tracking is an important component of the habit, but progress leads to results. It’s critical to integrate a variety of analyses in your everyday tasks,So how to improve largest contentful paint. Some of the most important ones are included here.

  1. Image sizes should be optimised.
  2. Make use of a CDN for images.
  3. Avoid JavaScript to load images
  4. Select a prestigious web hosting service.
  5. Keywords :

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Source: What is LCP

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