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Home Maintenance Contract

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Home Maintenance Contract

What Is The Difference Between A Home Maintenance Contract, Annual Maintenance Contract, Property Maintenance Contract, and Facility Management Contract?

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The difference between a home maintenance contract, annual maintenance contract, property maintenance contract, and facility management contract is not always clear. In this blog post article you will learn more about these terms and also find out about the different types of contracts available for your home or property!

What is a Home Maintenance Contract?

A home maintenance contract is a contract between a homeowner and a contractor to perform routine repairs, replacements, or maintenance on the home. A typical home maintenance contract includes tasks such as replacing weather stripping, caulking and painting. The contract may also include more extensive repairs, such as fixing a roof leak or replacing a pane of glass in the window. 

An annual maintenance contract is a contract between a homeowner and a contractor to perform routine repairs, replacements, or maintenance on the home for one year. A typical annual maintenance contract includes tasks such as replacing weather stripping, caulking and painting. The contract may also include more extensive repairs, such as fixing a roof leak or replacing a pane of glass in the window. 

A property maintenance contract is a contract between a homeowner and a contractor to manage the overall care and maintenance of the property. The contractor will be responsible for all aspects of lawn care, snow removal, hedge trimming, pool care and landscaping. 

A facility management contract is a comprehensive agreement between an owner or operator of an entity providing facilities (e.g., buildings, grounds), and one or more service providers who provide professional services related to managing those facilities (e.g., security/

What are the differences between a Home Maintenance Contract, an Annual Maintenance Contract, a Property Maintenance contract, and a Facility Management Contract?

An Annual Maintenance Contract is a contract between a homeowner and a home service contractor to perform routine maintenance on an entire property, usually once per year. The contractor will typically provide a written estimate of the work to be done, and may or may not include specific instructions on how to maintain the property after the work is completed. 

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