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Maintenance Company in UAE

Maintenance Company in UAE

When it comes to your home, you want someone who is going to take care of it while you're away. But who can you trust? Who can you count on to do a good job? That's where a maintenance company comes in. A maintenance company is like a gardener for your home - they take care of all the little details so that when you get back, everything is just as you left it. There are many maintenance companies in UAE, so it's important to choose one that matches your needs and expectations. Here are some things to keep in mind when looking for a maintenance company:  

1. Are they licensed and insured? 

2. Do they have a good reputation in the community? 

3. What kind of services do they offer? 

4. How much does their fees cost? 

5. What kind of warranty or guarantees do they offer? 

6. What are their hours of operation?

Property Maintenance Contracts

When you’re thinking about signing a home maintenance contract, make sure you understand all of the terms. Here are five things to keep in mind: 

1. Duration: The duration of the contract should be specific and reflect the scope of work that will be performed. If there is a rush due to an emergency, it may not be possible to adhere to the original timeline.

2. Cost: Make sure you understand the cost of services before signing on the dotted line. Contracts can get expensive if left unchecked, so be sure to have a budget in mind.

3. Scope: Be clear about what needs to be done and what is included in the contract. This will help avoid any misunderstandings or extra costs down the road.

4. Changes/Revisions: Be prepared for changes or revisions to the contract, as they may occur during the course of work. If something goes wrong, make sure you have an agreement in place regarding how revisions will be handled.

5. Go Over It: Make sure you go over all of the details of the contract with your contractor before signing it. This way, there are no surprises and everything is clear from the start.

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